Parking Lot Locations

i really don't think that the average park-goer knows anything about that lot.
What I do to get to the soak city parking lot is get in the far lane and show them my idea. Not once did they ever stop me.

Finally an annoucment.

Gemini's avatar

Red Garter Rob said:
Shouldn't be a problem because Soack City isn't OPEN on opening day. So only hotel guests should be even going past the Blue Streak guardhouse.

Unless someone is going to Challenge Park or TGI Friday's - neither of which require park admission.

I can't seem to find the thread, but I know we've talked about this before. The Soak City parking lot is not restricted. There are many legitimate reasons someone would want to park back there.

Virtual Midway

Good point.. wasn't thinking about that Walt.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
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