Am I not allowed to be a Cosmo Girl?
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Nothing to do with the thread, but every time I go through the posts I keep hearing this in my head.
One of my favorites.
Promoter of fog.
I have noticed that with time, I need to at least refresh with a map. The knowledge can fade.
But do you to turn the radio down so you can see better?
New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus
If you don't have a trained dog to identify terminators, checking to see if someone turns the radio down looking for an address works too.
Here is where I have an issue with the park: I am fine with eliminating plastic cards and paper maps, but I am NOT fine with the park promoting and encouraging people to rely heavily on phones to get around. Especially when they charge for one-time use lockers like TT2. (and hopefully NOT Siren) just to ride once, and those metal detectors.
I plan on going to the park this year as long as TT2 is open. I plan on printing out my voucher for a single day ticket. I leave my phone in my car, and IF i need to check it, I go to the parking lot midday which we plan on doing anyway for a beach visit to get our bags and stuff. I ask people what time it is in the park if I need the time. Or just wear a watch.
I wish they still made pass cards, but you can just scan your phone at gate then run back to put phone in car and get the receipt (do they still give out the receipts?) to re-enter the park.
for newcomers to the park, just print your own map
MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!
At this point im going to make my own card for my pass since I just toss it in a lanyard, I can ride with it, wich IMO is the most important thing.
Pass on the app disappeared overnight. Was never able to readd it.
Thursday night I deleted my pass when logged on to
Added past on the app. It added and was also on
Friday morning it was gone off the app again.
I will be contacting Cedar Point. All they keep saying is it should add.
I took a picture of my pass when it was on the app. Glad I did in case I lose physical pass.
Some pics of Cedar Point with a frozen Lake Erie taken last week.
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