Any suggestions on how I should pack specially since im a girl and have ALOT of summer clothes.
Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12
Hey from what i hear
sweatshirts/sweatpants aka things for when its cold
shoes (make sure u have good tennis shoes alot of ppl go through at least 1 or 2 pairs
Your may be in your uniform more then your in normal clothes so pack normal clothes but keep in mind that most ppl work 5-6 days a week .
Hosttess Famous Daves 2011
alright thanks:)
Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12
Bring less than you'll think you need, but bring the necessitites! As stated above, you'll spend a ton of time in uniform!
Definitely don't pack a ton of clothes, most of your time will be spent in uniform, especially as a ride host! Also, there is VERY little space to store clothes. Every room will have lockers and some have a dresser or drawers under the bed, but not all will have those. I would recommend lots of tank tops and athletic like shorts because you'll probably want to wear them under your uniform everyday.
10 - Maverick
11 - Maverick
Space is very limited, and your roommates may not like you much if you bring a whole wardrobe. Like others have said, you're in uniform most of the time, so you don't need a ton of other clothing other than the necessities. Definitely get some shower sandals for the dorms, and I suggest one of those cheap foam mattress pads. The mattresses are plastic, and you want as much between you and them as possible or else you tend to stick to it. Oh, and ditto on at least two pairs of work shoes.
bring clothes, but not a lot, you will be in uniform alot as everyone else says, but bring needy things, shampoo, towels, hair products, blow dryer, pillows, sheets,
Cee Barker
I have to agree with the above posts, but do not forget shower shoes. Generic flip flops will work just fine. In the 1300s, 1400s, 1500s of Commons, Golds, and Cedars all have community showers. Enough said.
09' - Breakers Boutique
10' - Emporium
11' - Costume Character for the Peanunts Gang
Bring deodorant and shower supplies and a shower caddy or a bag to put your shower stuff in to carry to the bathroom and back to your room pack light most of the time will be spent in uniform and cedar point has the weirdest weather in the morning it can be down right freezing but as the day goes on it gets hot fast so if your working at the park in April and may i suggest pants cause that lake does not get warm till about July and most of the time the breeze comes right off the lake buy a blue suit from wardrobe with the cedar fair logo on it
twin sheets
a lock for your locker
bathing suit
Wagons 2010 F.T.S.
Red Garter 2011
about 50 dollars for the whole thing its about 30 if you just want the jacket
2012: Server- TGIFridays- Cleveland Road
2011: Foods: Grill Cook- Joe Cool Cafe
2010: Merchandise: Speed Zone/ Soak City
2009: Merchandise: Speed Zone
2008:Merchandise: Joe Cool Corner Store, Speed Zone
2007:Corkscrew, Cp and Le Railroad, Skyhawk, Kiddy Kingdom, Iron Dragon
trust me, you will want a rain jacket!
Wagons 2010 F.T.S.
Red Garter 2011
they are about 6 feet tall and maybe 2 feet wide.
Wagons 2010 F.T.S.
Red Garter 2011
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