Opinion: Does Employee Housing Need RAs?

With the globally diverse population that comes to work and live at Cedar Point each year, there is no surprise that roommates in employee housing often have conflicts with one another that lead to bigger problems and arguments that they may have trouble resolving on their own. As well, new employees often have questions about work and life in general that they may appreciate discussing with a mentor, a more experienced employee that already "knows the ropes" and can help new employees find answers to frequently asked questions.

I have heard that Disney uses a system of mentors similar to the Resident Assistant (RA) programs used by colleges and universities in order to enrich their employees' working and living experience, and help employees who live on-site solve problems and reduce stress. I would like to know everyone's thoughts on this, and bringing your personal experiences to mind, if you think a program like this would be helpful at Cedar Point.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
'03 -- TBA
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

Speaing as a former RA (last year), I don't really think that an RA would be very feasible at CP. I know that I had enough stress dealing simply with the job, muchless having to go to class, and I know that having to deal with work and then come home to work would not really be very appealing. As far as I know, if roommates can not handle their own problems, housing is more than happy (well maybe not all the time, but...) to deal with the situations. But anyways..., what do I know.


my buddy did the disney college program a couple times, her second time she was a RA. If i'm not mistaken, that was her job...she didnt work in the park.

Personally, i dont think there's enough problems to warrant the need for any at CP.

magnum crew 2002

There are enough problems, but the glory of CP is that there is usually someone out there to help. I know that I've adopted a few newbies and "showed them the ropes" as you say. And I know my first year, I had a lot of help in the support area from friends. I think working at CP is demanding on a person as it is, and having to be a "mentor" would make a sane person loose it there. I think the TL's and Supervisors do a good enough job being a mentor. I know if I had a major problem I could always discuss it with them and work things out.

2001 Gemini
2002 Gemini/Corkscrew/Live E: Hooray for Hollywood

I've always been lucky to have really awesome roommates, but I feel bad for anyone who gets stuck with somebody they're incompatible with - I think how well you get along with your roomies has a lot to do with how good your attitude will be. I don't think CP really needs an RA program - I know that most veterans are more than happy to share tips and wisdom with all the newbies. This past summer both of my roomies were newbies, and I was more than happy to tell them everything they could possibly want (and even not want) to know.

However, I do think that in a way, having some kind of experienced person in the dorms who could solve problems of an emotional nature wouldn't be such a bad idea...(I know I just contradicted myself from the first paragraph). Both of my roommates worked in Foods, and while one absolutely loved it (she had a great schedule) the other one came home literally in tears almost every single night, because she was really dedicated to her work but the long hours and a bunch of other problems with co-workers all added together just overwhelmed her. I'd never seen anyone get that stressed out! I tried to help her out the best I could ("Let's go to Louie's!!!") but I do think that it would have helped her to have somebody she could talk to that could help her deal with the people she was having problems with at work (most of her sups were who she was having problems with).

I don't know exactly how a program like this would work - but I think it could be beneficial for those employees who reach the end of their rope and need an objective, wise person to listen to them. Maybe there wouldn't be so many people quitting right away? I dunno...But Sabrina was right, there are plenty of people up there who are willing to help others out, which is nice, we're just all one big happy family :-)

What about those friendly old ladys @ the front desk they can help solve problems. And CP isn't like your college dorm, you don't like your roommate, MOVE! Problem solved. :)

Mantis 2002
Broken Down Blue Ride 2001

Between the front desk people and the CP cops, I think they took care of the majority of issues during the summer. RA's really would not help much.

2001 - Admissions Host/Resort Gate
2002 - Admissions Host/ATL Resort Gate
2003 - ????

Adam and I were talking, we'd be the first to sign up...how great would that be? We'd make CP pay us for food, free housing and a stipend, and then go around to everyone and confiscate your beer...sounds like a dream! hahaha

"Captain" Nate
Paddlewheel crew 2000
Paddlewheel ATL 2001
Thunder Canyon TL 2002

What??? no beer allowed??? Or is it 21 and over only?...That marks a real change from my day....Times change i guess....
Back when the Rec was around (before Breakers East was built) it had a former name of the Circus, I believe. They actually did sell beer to employees then. Of course, that was before the drinking age was boosted to 21.
Will security confiscate beer if they find it in some poor sots dorm room?? Just wondered as it was very liberal my summer there...and yes i hazily remember the rec center and $2.00 pitchers of Blue Ribbon...I am happy to be alive after that summer
you can have one 6 pack per 21 year old

Mantis 2002
Broken Down Blue Ride 2001

which is total BS, I mean its one thing that I'm 22 and complain, but how do you thnk the 30 + old people feel that work there. It's stupid, if you're of age, you should be able to buy whatever you feel like. At College where I am, we can bring anything we want as long as it's not a keg, makes sense to me...cmon CP, lets get a little more modernistic thinking, and on that note, where the blue hell is the high speed internet?

"Captain" Nate
Paddlewheel crew 2000
Paddlewheel ATL 2001
Thunder Canyon TL 2002

Josh M.'s avatar
If we are going to talk about high speed internet, can we also talk about a phone system that can handle more than 5 outgoing calls at a time (exaggeration for all the literal ones on the board) but fellow employees know what Im talking about. Or at least give us a nice recorded message: "From this point it is approximately a 1 1/4 hour wait to use your phone"

~Josh M.~
**Formerly CoastFreak**
Ripcord Crew 2002

Does CP security actively search a backpack, bag or cooler that an employee brings to his/her room?
No they don't check everything. But for awhile last year they WERE checking everyones backpack or what not. If you walk in and tell them that you have a six pack you were not asked to show it. Just pull out your id with the number 21 on it and your fine.

Mantis 2002
Broken Down Blue Ride 2001

So "concealing" a standard sized beer keg and tapper on a hand truck with a shop rag or wash cloth and getting into the commons would be like President Clinton telling the truth?
RA's interesting idea. for the most part i dont think they are needed, most returning employees handle that job well. i know when some members of my crew had housing problems i was the first to go to housing and get it taken care of for them. however, if i will make more money, live there for free maybe have a room to myself, and eat for free like college RA's do.........I AM IN!!!!

Camp Snoopy ATL '00
Camp Snoopy TL '01
Gemini TL '02

HAHAAHHA, RA's!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA, that's just silly. All I know is that working in ride operations the most I saw of my dorms or roomates for that matter was about 6 hours a day, and that was just sleeping. You're in the park way too much to need RA's. It may be different in other departments but I think the position would be useless!

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