Oh where, Oh Where have Tony and Tyler gone??

Who cares?

dsloban's avatar

I hope you feel better! I know the flu is hitting hard in the school I work at! I can't wait for the new reports!

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

I care.

VACATION! Hope you went somewhere warm!! Tony, I hope you are feeling better! Kind of nice to get a response right from the source!!

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

When I'm on vacation I go to Cedar Point. I wonder what Tony does?

Frito Joe

lladnar said:

djDaemon said:
Yeah, its weird. Almost as if they have jobs or something.

You realize part of their job is writing that blog, its not like they do that in their spare time.

You realize that he's not obligated to write "x" amount of blogs right?

Why is it so hard for some of you to realize that 2009 holds nothing major? Every other day there's a thread with someone whining that they haven't heard anything new for 2009...gee, you think its because there isn't anything new? And reallly, Tony and Tyler's job does not soley focus on writing blogs every week on paint drying just to please those of you who can't seem to walk away from your computer once in awhile.

If you're that desperate for something new, visit one of the other Cedar Fair parks instead.

Owner, Gould Photography.


Nothing major in 2009. (yawn)

No new blog postings in almost 2 weeks. (not even the usual teasers)

Taking vacation time off? (a.k.a. benchmarking the competition? Didn't they go to Florida just a month ago?)

Still waiting on improved webcams. (seems all the cam's - including Cleveland's & FunCoast died too)

O.K. then, with "LOTS" to do - you better get some thera-flu, and start doing it!

Jeff's avatar

Even after doing this for nearly 11 years, I'm still blown away at how ridiculous some of you can be.

Here's the poop (take a whiff): Cedar Point will thrive and do its thing regardless of whether or not Tony or Dick himself write a freakin' blog post to satisfy some punk's insatiable desire to stare at Web cams all day. If you really think that anyone at that company has spare time, you clearly don't pay attention.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jeff, do we need another hug? How about a little ditty to run around your head today. " I'm walking on sunshine" by KC and the sunshine band comes to mind.

I totally agree with Jeff!! As soon as they get a blog post, they'll want something else, as soon as that something is provided, it'll be another thing. It's a never-ending cycle that will never be fulfilled which is even more amazing to me considering the cost. Well, there might be one cost...internet access and a computer/webphone to pull up the page on. Just another symptom of this new selfish generation. "Here's junior's PARTICIPATION TROPHY for little league". Yeah, so he/she got a trophy for basically showing up to practice.

Tony, I had hope you enjoyed your vacation...sorry to hear about the flu...I LOVE what you do and the energy/passion you have for what you do. Keep up the good work and can't wait to see you again!!

I'm really bummed they haven't posted another pile of wood or empty hole in the ground on one of their blogs. It's really entertaining to watch pointbuzzers go crazy when they do. I've never seen such spectacular speculation as when T&T post another pointless blog.

lladnar's avatar

Just because there isn't a new rollercoaster or ride going in doesn't mean we aren't interested to hear about other improvements to the park, which I believe they said they were going to be announcing soon, and haven't yet.

2007,2008 Ripcord

Geez, this thread touched a nerve in some of you. All I was saying is that I look forward to the blog updates and have been going thru "blog withdrawal" over the past two weeks! I like the blog and like the way Tony and Tyler show us behind the scenes stuff, tease us with new things, etc.Calm down y'all!!

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

Jeff's avatar

It doesn't touch a nerve, it's just annoying when people act like a bunch of spoiled little kids who aren't getting their way.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

It has nothing to do with getting our way. Just like I said I look forward to the teasing from Tony and Tyler as well as all the other behind the scenes stuff. When you haven;t seen an update in a while I went thur withdrawl!! Loving CP like I do I find all this extra information cool and intersting.

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

Jeff's avatar

My response wasn't directed at you.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Does anyone else remember the days when your first visit of the year to the park (or any park for that matter) involved being surprised by improvements made in the off-season? How did we survive the suspense? Oh, yeah...we had lives....


TTD 120mph's avatar

bholcomb said:Gee Tony, if only you had posted my question in the blog, you would have saved a PB thread! ;)Hope you feel better Tony

Well with a question coming from you I'm not surprised.;)

In all honesty, I'm glad I'm out of the young high school coaster geek phase. It was unhealthy. lol

Oh and get better soon Tony. Don't forget there's only 86 days till you get to deal with us again on a regular basis.:D

P.S.- Sad to see you aren't making it to the SOAR event this Saturday.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Walking on sunshine is by katrina and the waves. A great song.

Oops your right rollercoaster lover. Sorry, but how many people had the song in their heads today?

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