Official Drop

Ok this may sound dumb, but it was just something I was thinking about the other day. We all know the drop is 300ft and the the track alignments are very percice. What would happen if the official drop ended up being like 299.8 feet long. Would it round up and be a consittered a 300 ft. drop, or could they no longer say that the drop was 300 ft. I was just wondering if something as small as a few inches could cost Cedar Point the record.
Well the exact drop on Magnum is 194 feet and 8 inches.

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Jeff's avatar
Honestly, who cares? I absolutely can't believe how bored some of the members on this site are getting! There have been so many "what if's" and just plain made up stuff here lately.

The fact remains: Cedar Point is building a 310-foot roller coaster. We'll get to ride it in less than three months.

Is there even a remote chance that we can just stick to some form of reality until then? Maybe take up a little underwater basket weaving to pass the time?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Have they announced how long of a drop that one in Japan will be?? I assume thats the one thats longer
Wow, I think he was just asking a valid question. Not as if he was saying "You know if the drop is only 299.4 instead of 300, then I think the ride is a crock and not worth the hype"
Millennium Force will still hold the record even if was that short from 300. I think the only other taller coaster is the one in Japan Fujiyma which I think is like 260 or so.
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
I agree with Robby5150; there are alot of things I would like to ask at this site; but I don't cause I know people will say who cares. Someone may care, so lets cut them some respect; even if we don't care. As far as the question from coasterchucky I honestly don't know. I would assume they round up and go with 300 if it were 5 or higher like we all learned in math. But hey we all know what happens when we ASSUME. oh yeah since were ripping each other for there topics; I still think my idea for a coaster that goes into the water is a good idea and don't really care if all you hate the idea.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We don't care how your ride was!!!!!
*** This post was edited by Hooper on 2/12/00. ***

*** This post was edited by Hooper on 2/12/00. *** *** This post was edited by Hooper on 2/13/00. ***
What will break MF's record in August?
Teresa T
Japan will have a new coaster that will be higher than MF in August. Exact height and speed has not been released but it will be higher than MF, could be 325-... don't know.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Supposedly the Nagashima, Spaland, yet to be named, Giga-Coaster.
Jeff's avatar
"Consitter" this...

Nothing about this ride is an accident. If they say it's a 300-foot drop, it's a 300-foot drop. There is absolutely no chance that they'll finish the ride, measure it, and say, "Schucks, it's a couple of inches short." This thing is precisely engineered, it's not a high school science project.

Why am I irritated? Because this is the millionth thread in the last month or so where people presume that a company that's spending $25 million on a single ride didn't think things out before spending the money. How can you constantly second guess them? It's mind boggling! There isn't anything that any one of us can think of that they haven't already considered.

My God, I wish it was May so we could just ride the damn thing!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
this is jeff's site... mmmmkay....because i don't understand why he closed the thread on music because i was just gettin started....
Jeff I agree with you.
Yeah. But you act like "precise engineering" can't be wrong. Keep thinking that the more money spent = the "more perfect" a project is, and you'll look just as silly as NASA and their Mars explorer mishap. I'm sure they spent way more than 25 million altogether but yet their little Mars explorer blew up. It's engineered by people and people make mistakes. Not to jynx the project or anything but I don't see it being that irrational for them to be a thousandth of an inch less than 300 ft myself, even if no one does care. Also, I bet Cedar Point didn't anticipate having to add trim brakes on the first drops of Mean Streak and Mantis when they first engineered them. Nothing ever goes EXACTLY as planned. So I think the question's a valid one. May not have the biggest base of people interested, but it's a valid question. I'm guessing they'd round like Hopper said. *** This post was edited by RockDown2G on 2/13/00. ***
Thanks RockDown2G. I agree and think that it is not out of the question at all for the drop not to exactly equal 300FT. And Jeff you are right that they have considered everything, and know what they are doing. I just disagree with you thinking this is not something that could happen.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
I thought the Maganum drop was now down to 180 feet since it is sinking.... :)
I agree with Rockdown, you can't predict everything 100 percent, there are always unforeseen aspects. People on this site should not be so sensitive, if someone doesn't like your idea Whi cars you don't know these people you will never see them unless you plan on it.

"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
sure, RockDown, but MF is not being shot into space for a 13 million mile-plus trip, landing on a rather inhospitible place and crawling around on it!! that analogy wasn't even close to being a good comparison. i do see what the origianl poster was saying, it just didn't come out the way it was intended, i think...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
I have to agree with RockDown2G. Just because CP is spending millions of dollars on the MF does not mean it is going to be perfect. Now I am 99.99999% sure that the ride will open on time and will operate properly, but that does not mean it will not need some ‘tweaking’. RockDown2 already mentioned the Mean Streak and Mantis which needed additional breaks added. Heck, even the great Magnum needed to have its track adjusted (see off season photos on this site).
And Jeff, you run an excellent board here, but in this case I think you need to relax. I noticed you started another topic about the sign that is going to be placed at the entrance to MF. Personally, I don’t care what the sign looks like, but other people do, so I just ignore the thread. I know you have to review the content of every thread, but just because you might find the topic uninteresting does not mean it is not a legitimate topic.

The thing could be engineered to a drop of 299.78956393 feet but they could still SAY that it has a 300ft drop for simplicity sake and really, who would know the difference? I think it would be interesting to find out how accurate the measurements are that make the record books. The real question is why people are so obsessed with records. Is Magnum less fun now that it's record for the tallest has been long gone? Even Blue Streak once held a height record. I ride coasters because they are fun and not because I want to experience a record breaker.
Yup! Gotta agree with RMP on that one jeff!

Closed topic.

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