Ode to 2000.....

Hooper, I had a blast riding with you this year! I especially enjoyed the fact that riding with you always meant excitement. I took home a lot of memories this year, and I look forward to the ones to come.

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:67
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I'm hoping Myself, Dan, Jeff, Brandon, Hooper, LuvRaptor, Tyler, and a few others can all get together on one day next year and all ride together all day??

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Jeff's avatar
I personally don't think the culture has become "commercial" at all. Only on rare occasions did I experience long lines (other than for The Force; what else would you expect for a ride of that magnitude). In fact, I've noticed a fairly significant reduction in wait times over the last ten years, probably because the park's total ride capacity just keeps growing and growing.

Opposite of what we all expected, the Frontier Trail benefited from the installation of The Force, and Halloweekends solidified their commitment to the bonus weekends.

Live-E had one of their best years ever, that's for sure.

Ride downtime was minimal, even with some of the initial problems with The Force. How many parks will fly in a part to get a ride running then open it 15 minutes before the park closes?

The park had some of its finest hours this year, and I expect more good things in the next few years.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
JS, i hope to do just that next year...spend an entire day just riding with some of you guys, kind of like we did that first day in the park with Hooper WAY BACK in May...after we left you, of course!! but i would truly like to spend more than just one Magnum ride next time...

--servo, For whom the off-season started on June 7th, 2000 at 12 noon...
I went once this year and I had a horrible time!!! The people I went with were always fighting with each other and with me. We ended up only going on like 3 rides, becuase some of the people got sick so we had to leave early. We had plans to go back the next day but everyone wanted to go home becuase everyone was ready to kill each other!!! I will probably never go back, CP is a friendship killer!!!! AND SANDUSKY SUCKS!!!!! You think with a place like Cedar Point in town they would have other things to do in town besides CP, THEY DONT!!!. Don't even get me started on the restraunts, I ended up being the one everybody hated because I suggested we go to CP, BIG MISTAKE!!! Next year we are going to PKI, at least it's in a big city! By the way, I'm from Chicago.
Jeff's avatar
Sounds like the problem is your friends, not the park. As for Sandusky, I'll let Walt or someone else take that one...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Gemini's avatar
Not even going to touch it. But CP is just as convenient to Cleveland as PKI is to Cincinnati.

2:46PM. I didn't know school got out that early :)

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 10/17/2000. ***
Wait a minute gio...

Why would you need anything else to do in Sandusky besides Cedar Point?
Sorry to hear you had a BAD TIME AT CEDAR POINT, GIO (was not sure that was EVEN POSSIBLE)...
but on the bright side..if you don't go, less queue time for us fans...

mikey :)
I'll have to agree that the park hasn't lost a thing in the "feel" department. I found the lines shorter for Magnum, Raptor, well - everthing but MF - then they have been for the last four or five years. I have consistantly met great people from all over the country in the queues and had wonderful conversations about this strange hobby that I can't seem to get enough of. I've been to nine different parks this year (so far),and six trips to CP, and it still remains the best run, most satisfying park that I've ever been to. (That is, of the big parks).
And it is a big park. If you go on a Saturday in the middle of summer, it will be crowded. It doesn't take much planning to pick the best days to go.

I had a great 2000 at Cedar Point.

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