Ode to 2000.....

Jeffrey Spartan

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Well Now that CP has shut down the rides for yet another Winter, I wanna ask the GTTP public what they thought of the Year 2000 Season??

I personally thought overall it was my Best season yet with by far my most trips to the point (15) and actually 27 days in the park...Thats alot for someone who lives 204 miles away!! :)

It was filled with hightlights such as Ride #1 and Ride #100 on Force (have both details written in my CP scrapbook), Halloweekends Hauntings, Meeting and becoming good friends with many on this Forum..you know who you are, the VIP ride auction for MF! I also had coastermania memories, millennium mania, and Most off all My 1st day in the Park with my Newborn daughter (she got 4 trips this summer!!) I also have other awesome preseason memories too!!

However some memories though aren't sitting so well with 2 really standing out!! TTR really didn't sit well with me for the most part and I hope its eliminated for the mostpart however I have heard the contrary possibly for 2001.. AND the 2nd thing that really bothers me is the condition of Magnum and its state for the future?? The worlds best ride IMHO was in very bad condition this year. Don't get me wrong I still loved every ride but felt them more than ever this season too!! Had some big bruises to prove it..LOL. We all have discussed over and over what we all think is wrong so I won't go into that..I just hope CP has plans to bring Maggy back to its former condition and glory!!

Anyways I have several more things to add but would rather hear what GTTPointers have to say about 2000!!

Long Live CP and I feel very lucky to have met most of you this year and hope to continue the friendships on Point!!

Cya on the Midway soon!!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!! *** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 10/16/2000. ***


This season has had mixed feelings for me. I remember back in December or January watching the webcam as MF was slowly being put up, and then my anticipation as I went up in May to process in for my first summer at CP. Then going over the causeway and seeing MF for the first time. That wonderful feeling as it made everything dwarf. I also remember this summer working 12 or 14 hours a day and dealing with some very unhappy guests. I remember coming to work exhausted wondering if I could make it another day. I remember when my transfer went through so I could goto Camp Snoopy instead of being stuck in Games. Overall this season has rocked. For someone who usually only goes to CP once a summer, I was thrilled with the time I had in the park. Hopefully, if I can get all the classes I need, I'll be back at the park next year as double blue for ESD. :) Thanks a lot CP for the tons of memories.

Camp Snoopy Ride Op 2000
MF Laps-50

Monster Ride Op

Well, as far as working goes this was not my favorite season:(. Last year was better for me from a working prespective. But as far as just riding it was definitly my best season:). With MF opening I got all the coaster thrills that I could handle and than some. It was great.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP


this was looking to be a very good season for me, with two trips in by June 7th, but then some bad things happened here in illinois and i had to cancel all of my other planned trips (dog needed surgery, lost job, etc.)..:( don't get me wrong, the two trips is did get were awesome!! met up with a few GTTP'ers(more on the first trip), including JS and his beautiful baby girl, and a few more who know who they are. but i wish i could have been there more and gotten to meet/greet/get to know more of you. that, i think, was the true highlight for me. meeting you folks whom i have been talking to for over a year now and being able to put faces with the names at last. MF was great, just as expected and Maggy, although a littel rough around the edges, hadn't lost her charm either.
the other highlight for me was taking a CP-virgin there for the first time(my second trip) and seeing the look of amazement on his face when he saw the place for the first time.
overall, a good season that COULD have been better. oh well, maybe next year i'll be either living out there or running my own catering biz so i can go whenever i want to...just shut down for two days during the week and go!! can't wait for next year!!

--servo, For whom the off-season started on June 7th, 2000 at 12 noon...


I rode Magnum two times last Saturday (the only trip for the season) and didn't notice anything wrong with Magnum at all. It seemed like the same, incredibly fun, airtime filled ride as ever. I also do not consider it to be the least bit rough. Of course it is not as smooth as it was when it was built, but it certainly doesn't jerk me around or anything. So what is this problem with the ride that people are complaining about? I heard about the wheel thing, but just didn't experience it I guess.

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!


Seeing as this year saw my first trip to the Point ever, it was my best year.

Before February, I hadn't even heard of "Millennium Force" or really even cared about Cedar Point, but a friend of mine got me interested. Time passed, and I got more and more hyped up for this place that I knew only from television commercials and second-hand accounts of people saying, "It's so big!". In July, after a month or so of planning, we started off on our pilgrimage to Cedar Point.

The trip was a great one, even the ride up. Stats were read, pictures were looked at, and stories were told. Then we hit Sandusky. All 4 people in the car were on edge, looking out the windows with sheer intensity... and then the CP Alumni, Joe, said with great joy, "IT'S POWER TOWER!"

Our hearts dropped, and smiles grew from ear to ear. My dad laughed so hard I thought he was going to have a heart attack. We moved on, seeing more and more recognizable landmarks... then we rounded a building, and a resounding "Wow!" came from all of our mouths.

The microscopic trains shot up the hill, dove down the hill, flew over the turn, and left our view. It was big, it was beautiful, and it was Millennium Force. We were all babbling idiots, each of us saying our own sentence over and over again. Mine was "Look at that TURN!".

Dad dropped us off at the front gate, and after a ceremonial "WHOO!" which we'd been waiting months for, we entered and began our riding.

Joe led us straight back to the MF line, which stretched out to the candle making shop on the Frontier Trail. Words can't describe that hour and a half in line. It was so fun watching the trains fly through the course, and the happy faces getting off. Then, it was our turn, and we took our ride on the (then) tallest and fastest coaster in the world. It was simply fantastic.

From there, we did as much as the Point as we could for the next two days. Those 48 hours were probably the most memorable of the summer, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

You can now return to your regularly scheduled thread. My rant is over.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.


I have only noticed magnum being rougher due to the smoothness of mf i believe


Hearing "The Safety Dance" in line for Millennium Force has to be the highlight.

"I'm just a teenage dirt bag"


This may be close to "Lemon Chill" territory but when my wife and I were in the Magnum station last weekend (October 8th, with about four other people) we listened to one of the ride ops explain to a patron (in fair detail) the complete overhaul the trains were getting for next season -basically, they'll be almost new. Now, he may in reality have no clue, but he did indeed say this, altough for some reason I assumed if an op knew these plans I would have already seen it posted here;)

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.


Well, Coastermania itself would have been enough for me, sine I got 4 rides on all the major coasters, but I 2 other times. 3 times is the most I've ever been to CP in 1 year, and I loved every second of it. Going to PKI made me appreciate CP just that much more, and also upped my coaster count.

Year 2000: There are so many reasons I'll never forget it. Especially Millennium Force.


I wont forget 2000 because I came over my fear of coasters by riding Magnum. Then I rode Millennium Force, now I'm hooked and cant wait to Feel the amazing force, come May.

Magnum-Just Ride It!!!


The 2000 season was awesome to me! I rode MF a grand total of 15 times (Thats great for me) and had 5 trips up this season. Meeting Hooper and calling him Hoper lol, Luv Raptor, Jeff, My new bud Magnum is Sinking, Shivering Tim, Rideman and Wire Dog who combined with Hooper are the coolest people to ride with! Had a great time and I hope to see you all again and many more fellow GTTPers :) I can't help but feel so depressed though knowing that I will not smell the fries, taste the corn dogs or hear all the roars from the rides. I even kissed the hood of the MF blue train after my last ride for 2000 as a sign of gratitude for this wondrous creation! Adios CP, have a nice slumber!

14 and Counting!
Got The Po!nt?
-12E- *** This post was edited by coast on 10/17/2000. ***


Thanks coaster...whoops coast ;)

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:


Now coast, dont go to far with you and the MF train, remember our converstaions?? LOL!

Magnum-Just Ride It!!!


Thanks Coaster (Coast)
The kissing thing.....still too much information LOL
Thanks to all of the GTTP members I meet and rode with YOU guys made this the best season for me EVER.

Three people I want to point out are Hooper, my second best coaster bud (Last guest train ride on Raptor and doing the speel for the workers last ride) LuvRaptor my favorite coster buddy and informing me of this site.
JEFF the webmaster who brought us all together.
Thanks for a excellent season everybody!


I don't know, this season didn't mean much to me overall, not in the top 10 at all.

Cedar Point now seems like a "commercial park" like Disney anymore. There are so many people on a summer day that rides are unrideable without 2 hour waits, hell,you have to wait in line to take a leak anymore or buy a hamburger.

With the sure addition of more and more hotels by CP, I am afraid that the homey and family feel of the park is leaving,quickly at that. It used to be that you felt a sort of bond between you and other park guests, now there are so many people and not a lot of room that it just seems cluttered and unenjoyable.

I hope the addition of the boardwalk eventually stops this but I am not sure. MF was great and all but the park just isn't the same now.


Yeah, I remember Eric! Wiredog, you need to be able to show more compassion :) even if it is just a twisted piece of steel! LOL
BTW, I will be changing my sig. so people can actually remember it :)

14 and Counting!
Got The Po!nt?


I would like to thank JS, Vince, (wiredog), Jo, Dan, Brandon, and Jeff. All of you are in someway or another my favorite riding partners. You showed me alot of new tricks and most importantly helped remind me to just have FUN. See you opening day 2001

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:
www.imagestation.com/album/?id=429389474 *** This post was edited by Hooper on 10/16/2000. ***


Hopper, you must have forgotten to also include Coast in that little list :)

[New Signature Here]


Ok the name thing is over, lets get it right from now on.

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:

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