No Joe Cool this year?

Gomez's avatar

^That probably is why CP has decided to drop the early entry for the ride. It allows more time before opening without making the guest upset.

Save TTD for later, Raptor is great ride.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

bholcomb's avatar

Save TTD for the first 2 Friday Bonus nights, ride other things all summer. ;)

During each of the mornings I had Joe Cool through the camp ground, TTD was running on time in July. I was the 2nd train out the one moring around 9:05.

Kyle D
Rollbacks - 1 - Opening Day 2005
Last TTD train of the night (6-23/24).

It probably comes down to that they don't want to pay employees to come in any early so they don't have to pay em. Makes business sense. I'll get over it.

Vince982's avatar

Someone said up there that the employees will probably go in at the same time but will work hard to get it going so it will run diligently throughout the day. Hopefully this season they will be able to git er done.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

TTD 120mph's avatar

I know Dragster, as well as all launch coasters, has to have its launches programmed into a/the computer to set up the hydraulics (or something like that).
My Q is: Is this done every morning(I'm pretty sure it is)...and how long does it normally take (since I bet it's different everyday)?

*** Edited 2/1/2006 8:46:29 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

There is a default speed for launching on Dragster's computer, but that speed is with people in it. That's why the first couple of launches every morning are rollbacks, because the default speed is not fast enough. The more test launches there are, the more the computer adjusts until trains make it over at a good speed. Usually it takes about three to five launches to get the first train over every morning.

Dragster Crew '05
Drag Rides - 101 Rollbacks - 2
Go Top Speed Racecar Go!

Well this kinda sux, since I am staying at breakers this summer, but as long as we get to still line up, that is cool.

I remember watching TTD test from my Hotel Breakers room, and I think I saw one train make it over after about 5 launches. By then I was heading out the room door to grab a few Krispy Kreme Donuts and getting ready to line up at the Magnum entrance. And I usually like to be at the gate, staying at the hotel or not, by 8 so I have a decent spot in line. Im guessing it is more to curb the angry guest situation more than saving money, because as was stated earlier, the crew will probably be in just as early.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

IMO.. TTD isn't on the Joe Cool because they never know if it will broken down or not.!
*** Edited 2/7/2006 2:41:34 AM UTC by AbsofBeer***

Gomez's avatar

^We don't know that until it opens. TTD120mph will back me up on this one. 2006 will be a good year. :)

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

TTD 120mph's avatar

Hellz yeah it will!!:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Wow. Just, wow.

That yellow thing out in the blue thing is called the sun. Go get some of it.

Edit: and oh yeah, hell is spelled without a z. *** Edited 2/8/2006 3:58:57 AM UTC by Top Thrill Dragster***

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
2008: Hard Rock Park - Maximum RPM! Opening Supervisor
2008/2009: Universal Orlando - Men in Black: Alien Attack Team Leader, Guest Services Coordinator

TTD 120mph's avatar

Well, I would but there's something that is kind of preventing that. It's called winter, and it's too a bit too cold to do anything outside. I'd be ice fishing but, because of odd temps, there's no ice! If I had 70°+ weather, heck I'd be out all day....but unfortunately I have to wait until the end of March for decent enough weather to show its face. So until then, I am forced to deal with 30° weather that is forcing me to stay inside where I am extremely limited in activities.

And yes, hell is spelled without a z. It's just a funny word.

There are worse people than me.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TTD 120mph said:
There are worse people than me.

Provez it!

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
2008: Hard Rock Park - Maximum RPM! Opening Supervisor
2008/2009: Universal Orlando - Men in Black: Alien Attack Team Leader, Guest Services Coordinator

TTD 120mph's avatar

You know what, I cant!!! And if I am the worst, SO WHAT!!

What the heck did I say anyway?! All I did was agree with someone!! I didn’t know it would make me susceptible for criticism!

How about we just let it go.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Adam, I'm sorry. I've been a litte cranky tonight seeing as I have an essay due 6 days ago that I'm debating on whether I should start or not. I guess I'm just taking out my anger on innocent people.

But seriously, I think you like Dragster a little too much man.

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
2008: Hard Rock Park - Maximum RPM! Opening Supervisor
2008/2009: Universal Orlando - Men in Black: Alien Attack Team Leader, Guest Services Coordinator

Gomez's avatar

Josh, you're in Florida and you have the nice weather.

It's cold and windy here in Michigan, and it's not even fun to walk to the car in the morning. After such a cool January, February has shown what winter is supposed to be.

And to make Adam feel better, I think we all like CP a little too much. That's why we're here though. Isn't it?

Good luck on the paper. :)

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Bringing the discussion closer to the topic:

Can somebody from the '04 or '05 crew tell me what changed in the startup procedure that it now requires 4 people for 1 hour to do what 3 people did in 0.5 hour in 2003?

The procedure used to be :

  • 7:30am: 3 people arrive at the ride (1 for main controls [OP 1], 1 for transfer controls [OP 8] and breakers, and 1 to reset blocks [OP 3 - OP 7])
  • 7:30-7:50: check for maintenance clearance, and transfer on 5 trains
  • 7:50-8:00: check low zones and change locks
  • 8:00: remainder of the morning's crew (11)arrived
  • 8:00-8:10: clean all 6 trains while cycling acceleration brakes and catch car
  • 8:10-8:40: cycle each of the 5 trains through once empty
  • 8:40-8:44: transfer on 6th train
  • 8:44-8:48: cycle the 6th train though empty
  • 8:48-8:56: test ride all 6 trains
  • 8:56-9:00: transfer off the 6th train
  • 9:00am: call the ride up with 5 and open to Joe Cool

Now of course that all depended on the ride functioning...but if the ride isn't functioning, getting there at 7am isn't going to get it done any sooner. So what in that procedure has changed since '03 that it requires 4 people to be there at 7am?

Maverick '07 Crew (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...oh no...)
Los Alamos National Lab '04-'07 (LoA to finish Masters Degree)
TTD '03 Crew (76 Launches - 71 Complete Circuits)

To clear it up a little for you Patrick, in 04' we had 4 in at 7:30 and the rest of the crew in at 8:30.

In 05' we had 4 in at 7:00 and the rest of the crew in at 8:00. The 4th opener checked low zones and butt picked anything that might have been missed by the previous night's closing crew while transfering trains.

1 person at OP 1, 1 person at OP 8, 1 person at OP 3-7, and 1 person doing low zones.

In 05' the time it took to cycle and test ride all six trains was longer than the years past.

  • Transfer on 5 (including the designated spare train).
  • Cycle 5 empty
  • Test ride 5
  • Transfer off spare
  • Transfer on remaining train
  • Cycle remaining train empty as well as the four trains behind it
  • Test ride remaining train
  • Open

I'm sure you remember how much longer it takes to cycle the ride when there are empty trains. First of all you're constantly getting bumped out of multi-move either by rollbacks or other problems. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal while running 5 trains, but since we manually moved Load 1 up occasionally, (rollbacks) Hold 2 would be occupied when we dispatched in Auto. Secondly the empty trains take so much longer to clear the Brake block which drastically increases the time in which you are permitted to launch successive trains.

2006 - Assistant Supervisor Ride Operations
2005 - TL - Top Thrill Dragster
2004 - Dragster Crew
2003 - Mine Ride/Gemini Crew

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