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Jeff's avatar
I think LIM rides (continuous circuit, that is) have come of age, and it's safe for Cedar Point to build one. The only complaint I have is that most of them are made by Premier, the Headbanging Company(TM). PKI's Outer Limits could be so amazing with different restraints. On the other hand, since they'll love Intamin starting in May, an inverted LIM ride like Volcano would be cool.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

Dave OBrien

By the way while were on the subject of LIM, CP should get Velkoma (sp?) to build the LIM if it happens. I don't like Disney much due to the overall lame ride factor, but their Rock and Rollercoaster at MGM is total sickness. Great launch and smooth as cream all the way- one of the few outstanding thrills Disney has. Cedar Fair should stick with Velkoma for an LIM and not even think about Premier for it, unless Premier solves the headache problem. If anyone wants a good example of a great LIM coaster, head to Florida to MGM (and a stop at Universal wouldn't hurt, either-shameless plug!)


Jeff's avatar
We sure do see a lot less of you around here since you went to that Island thingy. ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"


In my oppinion, LIMs are going to be old news with the introduction of the thrust air from s&s. I do however LOVE the launch! As mentioned earlier RocknRollercoaster is one of the most "rockin" rides i've been on, and yes, OL:FOF is bumpy enough to give someone a concussion if they arent expecting it(well maybe not that bad). Whatever new coaster comes to CP in the years to come, I know its going to be spectacular. What are you supposed to expect?

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!"


Just to inform everyone, Kumba is 143 feet tall with a 135 foot drop. It isn't too close to 200 feet, and it does seven inversions. In order: 110 foot vertical loop, dive loop, zero-g barrel roll over the station, second-largest cobra roll in the world, two interlocking corkscrews.

Sorry, you all were talking about it, and it is my favorite coaster (SORRY, DON'T KILL ME, ONLY ONE OUTSIDE CP), and I wanted to inform everyone of my knowledge of Kumba.

I think that something like Kumba would be great, just to get somewhere near the topic.

Thank you for riding Raptor and enjoy your day here at Cedar Point, America's RollerCoast!


Bill- 8 inversions would not nail the record becuase Dargon Kahn, Monte Makaya and Stealth (that's what the park says at least) all have eight inversions.


I kinda question Stealth's inversions, because I was looking at the order of inversions and they include the 122+ bank turns as inversion. Did I read that wrong?


RRacer that's right they are counting those too. It's a cheap plug to get up to eight inversions if ya ask me!

Dave OBrien

Jeff, that Island thingy has bumped CP to my second favorite park- I never thought that was possible or anything could do it, but something finally did. I went the first week of February and am going back the first week of May. I'm saving CP for the last vacation in August. Don't get me wrong, I still worship CP, but the Island thingy simply is stunning and incredible. Believe the hype- it's all true!! All you folks be careful if you go- your favorites MAY change slightly (and this is from a person who thought nothing could top CP)



I get a chance to visit Florida regularly because of my job, and my Universal annual pass gets lots of use. I love IOA. The superlatives that are used to describe the place are all well deserved.
For die-hard coaster lovers, however, I think CP will still be the park of choice. Granted, IOA has great coasters, but unfortunately there are only three of them. Where else but CP can you find such variety? If you love theming and atmosphere, and like coasters, IOA is unbeatable. But if coasters are your passion, the PO!NT is still king.

We now return you to your original topic. :)

Dave McWilliams
Who's thinking of moving to Florida for the off-season. *** This post was edited by DavidM on 2/29/00. ***

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