News: The sky's the limit

TTD 120mph's avatar

I agree, lean works. Also, moving with the ride(leaning on turns, bracing at drops, etc) helps as well.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Gomez's avatar

Mean Streak front seat takes a lot of the pain away, plus you get the best seat.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

I rode it in the back once... Never again, I couldn't feel my back after that. The front was okay though.

I agree I have found the front seat is the smoothest... thanks for the back up on the Meanstreak

Kevinj's avatar

Ive never had a problem with the "roughness"

Its too slow. There is absolutely no speed. At all.

The blue streak is a much better wooden coaster.

Sad, yes...but true. Look at how people outside our little "circle" rate Mean of wooden coasters...coaster enthusiasts...this was billed as the fastest, steepest, tallest wodden in the world! It barely cracks the top 100!!

The major thrill rides are in the front of the park? MF, Magnum, Mean Streak, Dragster. I'm not sure that is the reason Frontier Town is quiet in the morning.

The fact that you had 3 water rides dominate that area might have had more do do with that. 10am isn't the greatest time to get soaked. But, I liked the idea of all the water rides being congregated in one area of the park. Once I'm wet I just perfer to ride all the wet rides and get it over with.

Which raises the question: How often are dry riders going to get wet butts when loading on to this new ride? You have to expect that there are going to be some wet folks standing in line for it.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

I don't want to see Mean Streak out of there because I dont like the ride if I want to see it removed for any reason it would be that it isn't popular and I know that CP can do something better with the space. It could be that the crowd isn't big back there or it could be that people dislike the ride. One thing is for sure there aren't two many people riding it if it is a walk on ride in the middle of the summer.

Yeah new year, and finally got my license, well back in august. Im in need of a trip to the park.

JuggaLotus's avatar

I want the 15 seconds it took to decipher that added back to my life please.

Chief, I think you may be closest to why that area is dead, but also, Magnum and Dragster aren't really part of FT and don't draw any crowds to that area. People enter the park and go straight to Magnum and TTD and then ride and ride again.

Goodbye MrScott


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