News: The sky's the limit


Walt's avatar

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Good Press, which is needed for this one. IMO.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



So is this a clue for next years ride or is it just to get us think about something "BIG" going there? And is it to early to start guessing next years ride or can we start?

Bring back Boblo!



"It's like a ghost town in the morning," Edwards said. "The major thrill rides are in the front of the park."

If you read into that, then you might see that a major thrill ride is on it's way in the next few years.

101 on Magnum and counting...



I agree with CP4eva'04 it is a huge hint as to a major thrill coming to the Fronteir Town area in one of the following seasons. Which brings us back to the possibilty of a new coaster in '07. :)



djDaemon's avatar

Possibility? ;)




Gomez's avatar

I think its obvious we're going to get somewhat spoiled again with the new addition coming in 2007. But I'm just excited to ride Skyhawk at this point in time.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick


Ralph Wiggum

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Anyone notice the mention that Demon Drop will be around for the '06 season? This makes me happy.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun



Yes I am thrilled that DD is here for another year.

101 on Magnum and counting...



"Some of the parts from Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall are being given to Cedar Point."

Why? If the park was at all serious about selling it, what good would those parts do? Save them a little money yes... But depending on the parts, this seem likes they may be considering keeping it around.

"Skyhawk goes back and forth like a child would on a swing, while maXair swings in a pendulum-like motion."

If you stand and view a swing from the side, it looks like it goes in a pendulum-like motion. :-P *** Edited 1/28/2006 10:25:28 PM UTC by Coastern3rd***


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Mr.Hyde's Nasty Fall had an overhaul in 2004 and recieved many new parts(cars, brakes and pneumatics). They're shipping some of those newer parts to CP for DD since (I guess) DD needs them.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



I'm know there will be a new coaster in 2007!


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Oh you do do you?:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



Gomez's avatar

And I'm think he's just assuming. :)

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick



I have a theory. This season I noticed that Mean Streak has a short line. By short I mean walk on in the middle of an August day. I think they are trying to slowly turn frontier town to like a main mdway with coasters and more rides. The reason for this is to get more people to Mean Streak so they will ride it. Eventulally I think the next record breaking coaster will go where White Water Landing was. By doing this more people will get to the back of the park to ride Mean Streak and visit the shops. By creating new rides it won't be so much like a gost town any more. That is my frontier town theory.

Yeah new year, and finally got my license, well back in august. Im in need of a trip to the park.


Craig the Coaster Freak

That's just what we need...more people riding Mean Streak.

I'm probably too harsh on the ride, but I'm just waiting for someone to realize that it doesn't help anyone to have that huge pile of lumber sitting there, waiting to dissatisfy riders.



I don't think the park likes tearing things down. So this would be the next best solution with out tearing down Mean Streak. I'd sort of like to see MS go I don't like it it hurts my back but I doubt it will leave untill the last possible minnute.
*** Edited 1/29/2006 7:30:27 PM UTC by CPKid***

Yeah new year, and finally got my license, well back in august. Im in need of a trip to the park.


Bill Horvath

If you don't like mean streak... simply.... don't ride it...

I LOVE IT..even known that it may be painful depending on where you sit it's a coaster.. so deal with it or dn't but stop hopin' it gets torn down.

Cedar point is for all of us to enjoy I don't like the space needle or the ferris wheel but i don't hope for them to remove them



Vince982's avatar

What Bill said, but I like Space Spiral and the Giant Wheel.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete


Browns and the Force

Yes i agree with Bill, I never really want a ride to be taken down, but lets just say i wouldn't be sad if a ride I didn't like was taken down. A little tip for the mean streak, if you lean forward (so your back is not against the seat) and you hold on it makes it a lot better, a lot less rough and a lot more enjoyable...

Arms down, head back, and hold on.....


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