What happened in '95?
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
I have never been a fan of Mean Streak. Even when it first opened, the part of the ride before the block brake was pretty good, but after that it was pretty flat and boring. I even remember that after the first season, they were going to add a trim right before the final brakes (which they did) so the trims at the block brake could be truned off (how ironic, the train is virtually stopped mid course now).
I would love for them to tear it down, salvage what they can, and build two woodies in it's place. A 120' or so CCI out and back or double out and back with 3 train capability, and a
100' GCI twister, also with 3 train capability. We would then have 2 coasters that are likely better than MS, we would have double the capacity, and most likely wouldn't be beaten to a pulp like MS prenently does. It's unlikely that this would happen, but I think it would be an improvement over MS.
Idora Wildcat
yeah, and did you ever notice how much space the Mean Streak takes up!! CP is sitting on a gold mine there, as for as turning that into 2 or more wooden coasters intertwined. (a la Stampede in Spain)