New Woodie...

I was thinking...everyone thinks CP is going to get a Thrust-air or a floorless, but I'm still holding out for a woodie. Economically, this makes sense for CP becuase a woodie is less expensive to build than a steelie without sacrificing thrills. Considering they just spent $27 million on MF, a woodie would make more sense than a Thrust-air.
Oh, and I still think Kinzel was refering to the Mean Streak when he said "Remember how we followed up the Magnum?"
I don't think any of us 'think' they are getting a certain thing, obly hope. Knowing Cedar Point you probably aren't gonna be right either way.

By the way, Thrust Airs are considerably cheap.

Crady Crady!! CRADY CRADY!! *** This post was edited by force312 on 5/22/2001. ***
Considering how cheap a TA2K is and the comment Kinzel made about future woodies, I think that we problably wont see a wooden coaster.

Well, that comment was 9 years ago. I'm still hoping
Jeff's avatar
I'd still like to know where Kinzel allegedly said that. In the mean time, here's what he said about Ghostrider:

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Oh my ... I wonder what to make of that.
CP definately needs an awesome CCI to call their own. Personally I think that a thrust air or a multilooper can wait. CP's existing lineup is good enought without those, but they are lacking in the wood dept.
"Remember how we followed up Magnum?"
If it's a real quote, remember that they enclosed Avelanche Run in 1990. Maybe they'll enclose Raptor in 2002?

-John Gilman; Organizer of the DT 80
"Thanks for flying Dispatch Master Transport"
1989 - Magnum opens
1990 - DT opens, but also
Sandcastle Suites open
1991 - Mean Streak opens

2000 - MF opens (compare to Magnum in 89)
2001 - Lighthouse Point opens
(compare to Sand. Suites in 90)
2002 - ?????? (compare to Mean Streak in 91?)

It's interesting that CF has now purchased 2 parks with world-class CCIs.
I find it interesting that the two wooden roller coasters already in the park received what seems to be a little more attention during the offseason than usual. They were both running much better than in years past when I went a few weeks ago. Perhaps this is an indication that wooden-roller-coaster-maintenance is not a complete mystery for Cedar Point afterall...

(But, on the same token, this isn't much of a sign of anything. Nor are any of these posts. I can dream about it though... *happy sigh at the thought of a CCI woodie*)
Hey, this year they enclosed part of the Mean Streak Infeild with sheds. Maybe not as exciting as DT, but close :). Does that count?
With Shivering Timbers and Ghostrider being Top 10 woodies (owned by CedarFair), my guess is a CCI is on the way for 2002..I hope!!!!!!! I don't think they will get a TA2K. I really believe that PKI is getting one since PKD put one in. Nor do I think they will get a floorless with SFWOA just to the east...a Seizmic floorless is a possibility though. I'm looking forward to some of these going up.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
guess guess guess :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I hope they build a woodie. O please a CCI. I've rode one CCI and it is #1 on my coaster list.
------------- for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT

Yes, but didn't they also "follow-up" w/ a Soak City expansion in '90? That could be a hint that something is going down at Soak City too. It's been awhile since anything major has gone in there.
But keep your fingers crossed, and keep guessing!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez give me a something like Villain

*says joey who got ride Villain the other day for the first time and completed 15 laps* *** This post was edited by 300FTMONSTER on 5/25/2001. ***
After 30 round trip rides on Shivering Timbers today, I would agree that the ticket for Cedar Point is a CCI woodie, any one mind if they scrapped out Mean Streak for the wood? Course if they did, there would be alot of trim brakes left over, not one till the station on ST!
Ok you got me Bill, it was more like 20
A certain incident in 1995 comes to mind whenever someone mentions another woodie for CP. I doubt we'll be seeing one under current management....but odder things have happened.

*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
CM3= Stratus R/T

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