New Screamscape Rumor

Folks, folks, I'm disappointed in you! Let's look at this issue from a different point of view...

Let's take Uncle Sam for example. Our own government. Did you guys know that we are still paying a rubber tax from World War 2? Yep. Every time you buy new tires for your car, or anything rubber your paying this 50+ yr. old tax. What on god's green earth does this have to do with CP?

If you have carefully watched how CP prices things throughout the years, you will notice some things become cheaper and some more coastly. Whenever the government does cut taxes on one thing, they just raise taxes on another to absorb the loss of the tax that they cut. A tax NEVER ceases to exist. Same with CP. If they make SC part of the gen. admission, they will just raise ticket and pass prices to absorb the loss. The price may not jump $21, but they will increase the price from everything like parking, to food, to gifts. They may even do something dumb like SFO, charge you to use an inner tube.
"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force *** This post was edited by Vince on 7/7/2000. ***
I really don't think that making soak city "free" ( not really free..see Vince's ) would pack up the lines. (Over 90 degree days being about the only exception). Most people from outside the state don't even know its there, and the ones that do don't seem to care. When ever I look at soak city I think to myself...what a great place for a new coaster!

~~Steven~~ *** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 7/7/2000. ***

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