NEW BLOG and pictures of the'barn'

^..Lol yeah i kno and i just changed that to 28 days ha nice eye ;)

Last edited by Maverick_cp_4eva,

Who the hell are you to talk? Your on a site about Cedar Point and we are discussing something being built there.

I don't see the issue with that, enlighten me.

101 on Magnum and counting...

^..Oh okay..i definitely love PB..but when you sit here and make posts about a friggen barn..thats ridiculous..and watch your languauge mr. tough guy.

And do you realize what your discussing...A HALF BUILT BARN!..woww

like OOOHHH i cant wait to go to CP this year so i can investigate a half built barn!...NOTTT!

Last edited by Maverick_cp_4eva,

Who are you to come here and criticize the chosen discussions of CP enthusiasts? We care about what's there, we like to know what's up. There's nothing wrong with that. We choose to discuss what a new building will be.

If we didn't discuss CP-related topics such as this one, then we'd have way less to talk about. Then what would be the point of a Cedar Point forum site?

^..Ok i see where you are coming from..i am a CP enthusiast also..i love it believe me..its just silly to make a whole thread and such on a barn..thats all

Michigan's Adventure Freak's avatar

It's not just about a barn. We like to know the things that are going on. For all we know, this could be some big new flume ride, which it probably isn't, but we don't know for sure. I think that the idea of it being a dairy farm would be kind of neat. We'll just have to wait and see.

Michigan's Adventure Season Pass/ Maxx Pass/ Platinum Pass Holder Since 2002
John McCain for President
Maverick Rides: 16

hes just a silly 15 year old kid

Jeff's avatar

Says the silly 19-year-old kid.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

^ That's what I was trying to tell him, but I guess he didn't get that...

Hey, don't pick on 15-year-olds. I'm fifteen and not all of us are as bad as him. Just saying. :)

TTD 120mph's avatar

Topics like this sure bring out the best in us. It never surprises me to see how quickly one little post gets everyone going.

Maverick_cp_4eva, being a newcomer, you're going to have to understand how things work here before making posts like that. Walt and Jeff have a hold of what works for a topic and if it wasn't something that could hold a discussion, I'm sure this would have been closed a while ago. And if the topic isn't interesting to you then simply don't post and problems like this can be avoided. And don’t get flustered about your age, there's plenty of young people here (me for example) and we all get along fine, just as long as you don’t purposely make a fool of yourself.

I'm not picking on you in particular, I'm just telling you what I've come to find out being here as long as I have.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Me? I know, I was just saying. :)

says the silly 242334 year old man

Im sure CPfanatics account has just been deleted

Yep, "USER NOT FOUND" was "found" in their profile lol... How I love Pointbuzz... lol. (ok you're right Bureaucracy didn't fit) ;)

edit: changing of a select word.

Last edited by Villainboi,
Jeff's avatar

Maybe you should look up that word because you're not using it correctly.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

It's pretty simple, if it hasn't been said. Tofts, anyone?

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

djDaemon's avatar

A new blog today. The Main Midway cam is down and in the process of being relocated.

I think they should have moved the Good Times cam rather than the Main Midway cam, that one is a bit less interesting.

Last edited by nulemoni,

^I agree. I've always kinda liked the Main Midway cam, and the Good Times really doesn't have that much to offer. Maybe it will be moved as well, although they have already mentioned that they are moving the Planet Snoopy cam at some point too.


Yeah, I liked the view back from the front of the park. Being able to see Top Thrill Dragster, Raptor, and Power Tower was kinda cool. That, and one could check out the main midway to see what's going on out there.

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