Mystery Construction

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

its to late for a coaster mavericks footers were all in July, its the end of august.

dsloban's avatar

So far they haven't ruled out a B&M... For now anyway!

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

99er's avatar

CPGuru said:
we would have seen footer's by now, maybe back in June/July.

I for one believe we are not getting a coaster.

That said: It is NOT to late for a coaster. Just because Maverick started early does not mean every coaster built from now on will be the same. Remember Raptor? Footers were not started until late Oct/Nov. Stop using Mavericks construction schedule to forecast all future coasters.

And who's to say the park had not already poured footers back in April like they did with Dragster? Just because we have not seen them does not mean they are not there. Like I said, I don't think its a coaster. But I just get annoyed when everyone thinks its to late for a coaster since it had not been started by now like Maverick.

Last edited by 99er,
coolkid2345's avatar

CPGuru said:
If it would have been a wooden coaster, we would have seen footer's by now, maybe back in June/July. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it's too late for a wooden coaster.

They can hide footers in plants. Plus with wooden track and steel supports, the fotters are alot smaller and more shallow.

Gravity group is amazing at making very small layouts. Boardwalk Bullet is on 1 acre of land.
Timberliner Trains are also awesome.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

13 days!:)

Not Togo or GCI. Gravity Group maybe? GG has new trains they were working on. They were even capable of a launched wooden coaster. One possiblity is a new wooden coaster. A second possibility is the new GG trains for Mean Streak.

Whyte Lightning Glass in a new blog....

and also has anyone mentioned the the whytelightning website updated with a dog in the glass?

Is that a drunk dog? Wow, PITA is gonna be all over this ;)

CedarPointGeek's avatar

wow i cant stop laughing, that dog needs to lay off the Whyte Lightning.


#1 Millennium Force #2 Maverick #3 Top Thrill Dragster

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

This is why we don't associate amusement parks with alcohol next snoopy is going to be drunk in that bottle.

What does it say under Cedar Point in the blog entry on the bottle?

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

I think the first word is Plummet not sure though.

Well, Now we know what the upside down MF logo stands for, *WOOF*

CedarPointGeek's avatar

Tony is the God of Suspense. I wonder whats next. :)


#1 Millennium Force #2 Maverick #3 Top Thrill Dragster

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Anyone trying to get a closer look at it?

It looks to be a glass jug of some kind...

4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.

Whyte Lighning will be a "moonshine run" type mine ride esqe coaster. No idea who will make it......

I can't tell, but is there really small print below the Cedar Point logo on the top of the label, or is it just a line or something like it?

Doesn't that look like the logo from the 80s?

4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.

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