Millennium Force is too severe for the non-fanatic

well it all comes down to this: it is similar to having an allergic reaction... some could say they have never had any problems with eating carrots, however some people may have severe reactions.. but you never know until you try it.. touch the fire and get burned and then never touch it again... any effects from millennium force will be temporary i am sure... so those who experience an "allergic reaction" like our tough and buff jock, mr soopahman, will learn their lesson and stay away.. simple as that
Mr. SoopahMan? Our tough and buff jock? Do you have a crush on my boyfriend Keithy poo? lol

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

I agree that it just depends on the person. People have different reactions to rides in general. I love MF, and it's my new favorite coaster. But it's not as intense as I thought it would be. My 13 year old son felt the same way. Personally, I say bring on a 400 footer!

The interesting thing here, is that MF is neither the most inverted [Chaos], air-filled [Magnum], or intense [toss-up] of the three that you rode. Indeed, if you felt bad after MF, it's just as likely that it was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back than it is that it was MF on its own. I will attest that Wildcat has the strongest positive vertical and laterals Gs in the park [Maggie's got top neg verts]. It also has the strongest whiplash potential, which could be causing some of the disorientation.

And it's not like CP has a bad hang-and-bang like many of the SF parks...
natalie you see right through me. and here i thought i was being subtle...
"I would like to stress that I did not feel sick...I felt disoriented and confused." - SoopahMan

That's exactly the way my wife felt after an encounter with the Exterminator at KW. Vertigo will make one feel that way, but it won't necessarily induce nausea.

Dave McWilliams
I take Dramamine before I go to the Point. But it's more for the car ride than the coasters.

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