MF-all speed no substance

I'm still waiting for an answer Jo...

Size doesn't seem to matter does it?? ;)

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LuvRaptor's avatar

I IGNORED your original thread for a reason.
Here's a thought for you:
How about changing your screen name since there are kids on this site. This site is CP talk, the trash does NOT belong here. You dont know me well enough to "test" me with stuff like this. I suggest you knock it off and grow up.

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I cannot believe I am hearing this. Now everyone says Millennium Force has no Substance, haters. First is coaster is tight, and people are saying we love it. Some saying its better than Magnum. Please.

I remember when people said Magnum had no substance. Please all that roller coasters has is a whole lot of hills, and a turn around. Millennium Force is a good coaster. A whole lot of people think so and to be a good coaster it must have substance.

"We got some haters in the house if you seem 'em point 'em out"

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
"...when I'm in the park I'm generally full of energy, I love to joke around, laugh, and have a good time. I love to yell, scream, goof off, talk to random people and just be me."

Is this the same Dan we know Jeff? ;)

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:62 *** This post was edited by Brandon on 9/21/2000. ***

I think I can related to what Dan is saying. During MM, I actually had more fun riding the Magnum then MF. Why? Because on the Magnum it is easier to interact with the other people on the ride. You have plenty of time to talk on the way up the hill and you have the little ending before the station where you can relax before your next ride. While MF is so fast for the entire ride (including the lift), there is no where on the ride to relax. And forget about trying to say anything once you get going. This may sound strange, but if I had to choose one final ride, if would be MF, but if I had to choose one to ride for an hour, if would be Magnum.
Magnum2G3, I don’t think anyone on this thread said they hate MF – don’t overreact and turn into an ugly conversation.

Bob M.
Jo, the name's from a Kevin Smith movie. Rob isn't trying to offend anyone, he's just joking around. Calm down, please.

As for the topic of this thread, I too got bored with Millennium Force after long enough, but it didn't stop me from riding it, mainly because I knew that when I was back up here in Boston I'd be missing it like crazy almost instantaneously (which of course is happening).

I do realize, however, that the GP fell totally in love with MF, mainly because it's so smooth and Magnum has fallen from their graces because even though it *has* gotten a bit rougher, it would seem rough anyway compared to the smoothness of MF. I mean, come on, it is an 11 year old Arrow hypercoaster. What else can you expect from it? I know when I was working on Magnum people used to come in and they wouldn't believe us when we told them it was rated #1 in the world just recently. "THIS RIDE??" and the look of disbelief. Oh well, less of them in line means more riding for me.

I'm just glad I get to ride the aforementioned airtime machine known as Superman: Ride of Steel here at SFNE on Sunday. (I know, I know, coaster whore, blah...) ;)

CP Ride Operations '99-'00

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 9/21/2000. ***

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