I KNOW this thread going to start a major brawl. I think we will all agree that MF is awesome, nothing in the park can top that 1st hill! However after that 1st hill you have airtime,
a bunch of turns. airtime, tunnel, airtime-home.
To me where is the SUBSTANCE? Give me Magnums never ending airtime (painful yes-but plenty of it) or Raptors entire course. When I was riding MF on MM day I actually got bored with it-and headed back to my fav 8 ton bird of prey.
It COULD of course me just ME but is there anyone else who feels the same???
2000 Millennium Force Laps: 90
2000 Raptor Laps: 72 (77 counting a.m. tests)
2000 Banshee Laps: 26
2000 PT Drops: 2
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Watch out they know where you live!
Feel the Force!
I have to agree 110% with LuvRaptor, that first drop is my favorite first drop on any steel coaster; then after the first drop its just a few hills and some turns. I think that during the planning of the ride they knew that the ride would be fast throughout the entire course so they didn't go crazy with the design. There are a ton of neat things they could have done in that small space on the island; anyone who has seen the second half of Superman in New England knows what I'm talking about.
MF has my favorite first drop but after that I'd rather be on Magnum! Anyone who knows me knows that I love to have fun when I ride, and when I can't put my hands up during the ride it gets kinda boring. It just seems that MF is too fast to enjoy the ride and have TYPE of fun that I like to have when I ride a coaster I'm not saying MF is not fun but to a degree it isn't for me. I'm not saying that hitting 92mph isn't fun because its not an every day average experience for me but when it comes to coasters give me the king; I WANT MAGNUM!
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1250
MF Count: 88
*** This post was edited by Dan on 9/20/2000. ***
Wow, for someone who thinks Millennium Force is boring, you definitely rode it alot to come to that conclusion....hehehe (I dont know how to do the smiley face)
*** This post was edited by FireDragon on 9/20/2000. ***
Well I have to say I must like Force a bit more than Dan and Jo...I absolutely love everything about MF and the speed to me is why...IMHO we have all other aspects of rides such as 0' gravity rolls, inversions, airtime, weightlessness on other rides so its not as if I can't get them somewhere in the park on magnum,raptor, mantis, etc etc etc....MF to me is another aspect of thrill riding and really can't compare to Magnum persay or Raptor..Two different in too many ways..I love Force for what it is..A Gigacoaster with a Speedy disposition!! The 1st hill is amazing and after that to me its I'll admit not full of surprises however it is filled with speed...I love speed as well as air being a airtime whore among others on this forum....:):)
Thats whats great about CP..theres a different experience on EACH coaster to enjoy...Its great we can discuss things like this and all respect each others opinions...
I will go on to say though I still probably do Love Raptor a bit more overall..However Force is a close 2nd and closing....
My $.02
GO ST8 - Beat Notre Dame!!
mf laps = 86
*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 9/20/2000. ***
i have to admit, when i saw the title of this one i went "whet the HECK is up with that??"...but i see where you are coming from Jo. but as someone with only 8 laps on MF this year, i haven't had time to get bored with it yet. BUUTTT, i was talking to my buddy Louie who went out there with me in June and i told him how many rides folks were getting during MM and i actually said "I think i would get bored after that many laps in a row". yes, MF is awesome for many reasons...who ever thought you could go SO fast SO smoothly and SO consistently? not me. it is a truly amazing ride and i think that after a few years of it being with us, it will develop more "personality" like Magnum or Raptor or Mantis...but i agree all around here. each ride is special in its own way and while MF may lack a little in the element area, it definetly makes up for it in SPEED. and as much of an airtime whore as i really am,(even found a way to get it on Raptor), i am more of a speed demon when all is said and done. i love 'em all and MF is at the top of my list, tied with Maggy and Gemini of all things...
--servo, For whom the off-season has already started...
So what you're saying Jo is size doesn't matter??? ;)
It's the motion of the ocean?? Not the size of the boat??
Sorry.. was just too easy..
Looking for me?? Check The Red Garter...
"Sorry.. was just too easy.."
Sounds like an ex-girlfriend of mine.
Ok, ok, sorry, couldn't help it. He started it. ;)
As for MF, I somewhat agree with Jo and Dan. The first hill is amazing, and the rest of the ride is great, but it's not EVERYTHING you could want in a coaster. Still one of my favorite rides, but probably not THE favorite.
MF count: 21
“You can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time” (or something like that, I can’t remember the exact quote).
The point is, if MF had more elements (tighter turns, little bunny hopes, whatever), the ride would probably need a trim brake to slow it down, or those elements would be too intense or painful. Then you would have people complaining the ride was too slow after the first hill, while other people would be happy. I have friends who think the second half of Magnum is boring.
I don’t know if MF is my favorite coaster, I tend to avoid making those kind of lists. It is what is, and what it is is an extremely fast and exciting ride, unlike any other coaster.
Bob M.
When I enter the park, Millennium Force is the FIRST coaster that I want to hit. That view, that DROP, those turns, the air time, the SPEED! I love it! Then I like to kick the sky a few times. If only they could switch Raptor and Matis' locations, I'd be a happy girl! TO have my favorite two coasters side by side...
26 FORCE-ful experiences! (and more to come before the season ends...)
If you ain't a 'GATOR, then you are 'GATOR BAIT!
Florida -- No. 3 in the nation. :^)
Gota aggre with LuvRaptor on this one. Mf is mostly just a drop and speed. And man, does it have speed. :) But as far as all of the other coasters go (well at least the big ones), MF has very little substance. I say that Magnum is better in almost all ways to MF.
Monster Ride Host
2nd Year
Well, after reading this thread it is now time to join in the discussion. Yes, I'll agree MF is ALL SPEED however, just like the father with 14 children how can you choose one over any of the others? Each of the children have unique qualities which make them special in the father's eyes. Just like those children, each of the CP coasters have different "personalities" and are unique in their own way.
Two things to think about:
ONE, not which coaster is the "best" but if you could only have one coaster ride left in your life, which ride would it be?
TWO, Isn't great we have such a wonderful array of coasters at "our park"?
*** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 9/20/2000. ***
I see it as just your preference. Jeffrey S. did a good job of explaining what I'm going to say. The point is, there are many different types of coasters, many of which CP has claim to but a lot of which it doesnt. One person may like going super fast and dropping a long way while another looks more at inversions, special features like feet dangling, airtime, etc., rather than speed. But the fact is, you make a choice - you cant have both together, because it would just be too intense. I prefer the speed and thrill of MF over the technicality and twists and turns of Raptor (nothing against Raptor, its the second best IMO).
As for getting bored of MF, I havent experienced it, because I only have 7 rides so far. But I can see why you people with more than like 40 rides could get bored - youre just so used to it. For me, it's an experience that I'm looking forward to every time, a rare experience that people like I can't experience all the time. It's hard to put in words, but I think you get what I'm saying.
Sorry I didnt address Magnum - I love it too
My "$.02" ;)
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7
Well said Tim.
Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:62
Hey, Fire Dragon, it's colen, shift 0 for smiley:), and colen, shift 9 for sad face:(.
Feel the Force!
Well, with only three laps I only scratch my head and stare off into the distance pondering the thought of Millennium Force being boring.
"You can never Safety Dance enough"
Speed it the name of the game w/ Millennium Force, we all knew that from the beggining. The gaicantic hills and "overbanked", *coughINVERSIONScough*, truns were added perks.
You can never please them all and that is quite true. MF is one of my top fives but you must look at the other coasters out there... Steel Dragon?! Pretty boring looking. We have a 6,000+ft, 310ft tall roller coaster crammed into such a tiny space.
If nothing you have to give them that!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
Dan, what do you mean by:
"...Anyone who knows me knows that I love to have fun when I ride, and when I can't put my hands up during the ride it gets kinda boring..."
I always put my hands up when I ride. So why can't you?
Millennium Force was built to fascinate, excite, and thrill the general public along with many coaster enthusiasts.
In this case, I think Dan and Jo have ridden MF too many times. I doubt you guys will think it is boring when you are waiting through the long winter wishing you could ride it. I know you are entitled to your opinions, but to me, there is NO possible way I CAN NEVER get bored with it, and I WILL NEVER get bored with it.
To me, the general public would rather ride a smooth ride with no jostles (MF) than ride a, dare I say, rough and bumpy (Magnum).
Well...based on my signature I think you know which ride I would ride as my last. When I was with Jo at MM we did get bored of MF. After reriding for around an hour we did agree that other than the drop the ride was kinda boring. At the beginning of the year it never was. I now know what is coming during the ride. And just like I know what is coming for raptor it never gets old or boring to me. I agree with all of what JS and jo said. Also like OTT said it is hard to compare coasters. But right now at CP Raptor keeps me coming back for more; more than MF keeps me coming back.
Raptor Flights: 211
Force Rides: 90
CP pics:
Well CP_Bound, what I mean is that when I'm in the park I'm generally full of energy, I love to joke around, laugh, and have a good time. I love to yell, scream, goof off, talk to random people and just be me. I help but the enthusiasism back in enthusiast.
I love to ride coasters with my hands up, but after the first drop on MF it really isn't fun or comfortable for me to ride with the hands up. On MF I like to hold on to the handle on the lapbar, all other coasters I don't but for some strange reason I do on MF.
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1250
MF Count: 88
Closed topic.