Metal Detectors

Do you think Cedar Fair will use these?
Seeing as they are there and security there is already trained to use them, I don't see any reason why they would not use the detectors this season. I think they may reconsider in future seasons though.

Also, it comes to mind that maybe they will use this as a way to see if they should purchase them for their other parks and come up with a guest oriented way of using them.

Personally, I'm not a fan of Metal detectors being installed in other parks, but if CF so decides that it is in their best interest. So be it.

- Chris -

Jeff's avatar
What "is" at the park now doesn't mean anything with regards to what "will be."

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What time does the water show start?

Right. Nobody ever said they can't just leave the darned things unplugged, either. You know, like they do at certain airports.

Actually, there is at least one Cedar Fair park where, as I understand it, they are PROHIBITED BY LAW from using magnetometers!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Which one is it?
Somehow, metal detectors take away from that "family park" feeling. Maybe it's just because I'm an old fart, or just used to CP and MiA not having metal detectors. But to me metal detectors mean there have been safety issues which warrants their use.

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liebevision's avatar
OldCpPer... no it's not just because you're old. I feel the exact same way... and I'm only 20- not old by any means! I have always felt that the first impression you have of a park sticks with you... and my first impression of that park was "why do they need metal detectors, what is the problem here?" Whereas my first impression of cedar point was... "WOW!" I love driving up to it and walking through the front gate, it has a feeling of coming home. When I went to WoA it didn't have that "home" feeling because of the metal detectors to me.

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Dragster120!: I understand it's a provision of Minnesota's concealed carry law.

As I understand it, Geauga Lake got the metal detectors not because there had been problems, but because Six Flags decreed that all of their parks would have them. That, and it gave them a reason to paw through everyone's bags in search of smuggled lunches. Which is, of course, what they are really looking for more than anything else.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Rideman, that is sad, but true. After all those years of being an in park picnic grove there are many stubborn guests that just want to bring their lunch in to eat. I think SFWoA really shot that down and would rather find a family with a few snacks in a sack than to find a gun or knife on someone. Ever see the stack of food and assorted snacks at the entrance to that park. It was getting ridiculous. I hope CF adds a nice picnic pavillion and upgrades the makeshift parking lot tent and fake bathrooms.
Nothing says you're ready for a day of fun like walking through a metal detector!

'04 TL Power Tower
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Just something to ponder...Ohio Concealed Carry Law goes into effect April 15 this year. I'd guess GL will keep the detectors and keep using them to make sure people arn't packing heat while in the "Family Park" setting, that is if Cedar Fair decideds to operate their Ohio parks and not allow firearms inside.
They'll get rid of them.

It takes a lot away from the experience of walking through the gates... ever tried it?

No they wont not with the gun thing coming drawing closer. Dont want any shootings
imadj's avatar
Bill02, It is not set in stone that the OCCL will start April 15th. I was just at Clelands range and the class brochure said it can still be contested, so paying for the required course to get the OCC license is at your own risk. Cedar fair already has the "NO FIREARMS" rule. Besides metal detectors ruin the whole image. You know if someone wants a gun inside the park bad enough they'll get one in. Metal detectors can't stop handguns from entering. so why pretend you're stoping it? Heck while were at the whole breakdown for safety, let integrate X-Ray & Pat downs!

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*** This post was edited by imadj 3/16/2004 7:56:51 PM ***
*** This post was edited by imadj 3/16/2004 7:58:40 PM ***

imadj your correct in parts. The law goes into effect April 8th (not the 15th as I stated earlyer) with in 30 days of that the Ohio Attorney General has to submit rules and regulations on it. This is why taking the courses required is at your own risk right now, there are no set rules on the education at this time. I agree that having to walk through detectors takes away from the experiance, how ever with the detectors in use it can also provide some extra comfort to a family that everyone has passed through these and there arn't any firearms other than thoes od security in the park. Under the new law any buissness that bans guns from being allowed on the property must display signs at all enterances stating such. So since Cedar Fair has a "NO FIREARMS" rule they will now have to post these said signs. Basicly I was just giving a point to be considered as to why they may wish to keep the detectors.

Any one who wishes to read up on OCCL may do so at:

Yeah. You'd be surprised how ridiculous some people get when you tell them what they're carrying can't be brought onto the ride or even into line. I would really like to see Cedar Point PUT IN metal detectors if that concealed weapon ordinance is placed into effect. I'd very much so like NOT to have a huge firefight from some of the not-so-smart guests that regularly visit our park getting into some kind of fight or falling into some kind of drunken rage. There's nothing like riding a rollercoaster, having a gun fall out of the hidden spot on your person, bounce off the concrete, fire a round, and then hit and kill/maim an innocent person or even worse child. Unless this ordinance, (and I think it might, but I've not been following it *that* closely) has a clause saying the weapon MUST be either out in the open or on a belt holster, then I'm all for having metal detectors for MY safety. If you *do* have to have the guns on a holster, then expect every single person to have to pull up their shirts just above waist height so that we're sure you're not carrying them there. All to come in the not so distant future, and there’s really no way of predicting what's going to come of it, but if there's no concealment clause saying it must be on the belt then I'm all for detectors, period.


'04 Twister ATL
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imadj's avatar
Bill02, I'm sorry I did'nt mean to "GO OFF". rough day. I am all for safety in the park. I have 3 daughters i'd like to feel safe with them in the park. I hear some many gun haters it drives me up the wall. If people would learn to respect firearms, there would be less accidents and such..

The Family that target shoots together...Target shoots together!

TTD: 1
CP&LE RR: 150

I'm all for Concealed Carry. But I understand people's concern.

I think that as long as there are signs saying guns are not allowed, and so long there are stiff penalties for people violating the policy, I see no problem with not having metal detectors.

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imadj, no problem we all have bad days, no offense taken to your post. To follow up on what Ben posted; Concealed carry means just that, concealed. Once OCCL is in effect, any one with a permit may carry any where on there person. So a firearm may be placed in a plain belt holster or other areas such as ankle holsters, fanny pack holsters or in the cooler weather months a shoulder holster under a jacket. I’m sure this is a law that will get changed here and there as time goes on, it will be interesting in the state once it is passed.
The thing about concealed carry is this--

The people who will get permits and carry their firearms are not the people you need to worry about. They are the ones who will leave their pistols at home, lock them in the car, or check them at park security. The people who are affected by the concealed carry law are the responsible gun owners who really are not going to present a problem for the parks.

The people who are more likely to cause problems with firearms (or other weapons) in a park are the same people who couldn't care less about concealed carry, who are already armed with concealed weapons regardless of what the law says.

In other words, the decision to use any particular form of park security has should have nothing to do with whether or not the state enacts a CCW rule.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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