Mean Streak turns 10

I am with Dan, Mean Streak has good days, when the ride is pretty darn good. I enjoy Mean Streak every time I ride it. I do wish that Cedar Point loses the trims on the first drop...

I'll reiterate:

(It's not that bad, but it's definitely the black sheep of the Cedar Point family.)

It's all in good fun, you know. Nobody really wants to burn Mean Streak to the ground (well, I don't, anyway).

...But wouldn't it be a sight to see? ;)

(Also, let me throw this up and see who hits it. My "special ride" took more than its fair share of hits, and I got a little upset about it at times, but then I realized... It's just a roller coaster. R.I.P., Steel Phantom.)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Jeff's avatar
I hate to say it, but as cool as Mean Streak looks, it wasn't that interesting of a ride before it was trimmed. The ride is a series of OK drops followed by a lot of long boring turns.

I'll take Blue Streak first any day.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
The problem w/ Mean Streak is that when it is absolutely on (no trims, in the rain) -- outside of the first drop, it's mediocre.

By best ride on Mean Streak wasn't as good as my worst ride on Shivering Timbers. That's why MS is so reviled.
well, I see what's going on here, just a few people upset about MS not getting a big I recall, when was Cedar Point known for MS??? When was the last time MS received an award??
Lets look at it my way:

Mean Streak gets a rating of: 4 (out of 10 of course)
Blue Streak: 8 ... great wood. Speed, fast turns, classic!
Beast (at PKI): 9 ... only a 9, cuz I thought I was gona die a couple times on it. Nonetheless, it kicks butt!!!
Son of Beast: 10!!!! ... what more could you ask for? Of course, the way it is run (one train, 2 hour line) needs help but this is one hell of a ride!

Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God
I think the draw of Mean Streak (regardless of what it was supposed to be) isn't airtime or Gs or anything, but the beauty of the ride. It is constructed very well as a photo op, and is one of the most beautiful coasters at CP. The biggest riding draw was when it opened, it was the highest wooden coaster in the world (right?). Everyone has their favorites and no-so-favorites, and that's fine. I like the Mean Streak because it is a fun ride, and it is great to be going in and out of the structure so much - more sightseeing than riding, and both a good time!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
** Updated April 4, 2001 **
I take it that there is not a celebration for Mean Streak.:(

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
MS should have a celebration, i mean, its been able to stick around for 10 years hasn't it? If it doesn't have one, too bad, it'll still be around. Its a beatifully constructed coaster to say =)

-One night I was looking at the stars and wondering, "Where the heck is my ceiling!?"
I agree..I think the draw of MS is both the beauty and the "danger" of the ride....and by "danger" I mean all of the points that are listed under the ride section here..

mikey :)
They constructed Mean Streak to look pretty? That's a pretty big lawn decoration, I'd say.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
And a pretty expensive one at that.

My roommate just told me he only rides it because it goes through the structure. He says he loves it for that architectural feature.

Mean Streak's 10th is mentioned on the offical CP website. New pictures have also been added on the Mean Streak Page.

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