Mean Streak turns 10

I don't think CP will give it a big anniversary bash thing like they did with Magnum, but you'd think the least thing they could do is to retrack it. Does anyone one know if they will do something for it for will it not be a biggie?

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!" *** This post was edited by Elroy on 4/9/2001. ***
My guess would be that it would be in the 2001 brochure, banners across the park, and the Mean Streak logo on the front blue overhang when you eneter the park :)

Cedar Point retracks Mean Streak almost every year...
Don't expect anything. Ohh wait I take that back, we got the maintenance shed on the Mean Streak infield. Yippie!

Magnum Count: 1266
If you all rememeber Magnum didn't even have anything great for it's 10th and it is the best coaster......


Magnum 1999
Raptorboy 2000
Mantis 2001

Well...I could use a new key chain. :)


RaptorboyJohn what are you talking about, Cedar Point did a lot of stuff honoring Magnum turning 10

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
I think he means that they had him working at Magnum during the 10th anniversary year. That's the great thing he was talking about.

"They invented laziness, but I perfected it!"
If CP does nothing or very little to promote Mean Streak's 10's year it should come as a sign that it will soon be gone. Let's just hope they don't cover it give it a lame theme!

Live for FUN!

LOL MagnumFAN. Now here's a question:
If they do celebrate any annversarys this year, which will they put more emphasis on, Mean Streak's 10th, or Corkscrew's 25th?

Whether or not they do anything will have nothing to do with future plans for the ride. It's got to be every year in that park that there is some ride/attraction having a 5, 10, 15, etc. birthday and you never hear about it. How about the anniversary of the famous fries? Or the Iron Dragon's 10th birthday (1997)? Wasn't anything about that, and the ride is still going strong. Magnum probably got the press attention because it has consistently been rated so high by different enthusiast groups and amusement industry organizations, so it serves as good publicty when everyone knows that ride.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
** Updated April 4, 2001 **

What I meant was. In 99 all they did was put a 10th anniversary logo on a bunch of stuff. They really could have done more with the ride, like fix the effects. They only worked randomly through out the summer. Maggie didn't even get a paint job.


Magnum Crew 1999
Raptor Crew 2000
Mantis Crew 2001
LuvRaptor's avatar
In dog years that makes MS 70


2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Maybe they will turn the trim brakes off on the top of the hill on certain days. :)

MF Count: 11
Hopefully on rainy days;)

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
Mean Streak's 10th? Let's celebrate, indeed! You bring the gas, I'll bring the match! We gonna have ourselves one hell of a bonfire! ;)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

(It's not that bad, but it's definitely the black sheep of the Cedar Point family.)
Marshmallows anyone?:)

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
I'll bring the beer....

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
I'll bring hot dogs.
You guys have no respect. Granted MS has its off days but give me a break, lets not talk about burning it to the ground. It still has its days were its running great. I hate it when I ride with a group of people and I am the only one who opts to go ride in the back.

We all have our own special rides Magnum is mine and for a time being Mean Streak was my brothers. Back in '98 he had over 300 rides on it.

Save the beer, save the marshmellows, and save the hotdogs for the GTTP Bar B Que at Jeff's house. :)

In the mean time don't hate MS.

One more thing John I do agree with you, I wished they did more with Magnum in '99. Ohh well.
Magnum Count: 1266

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