Maverick Trains

TTD 120mph's avatar

Oh yeah, and it definatly wont need OTSR's because of the (so far) 2 inversions we have.

Theyre JUST for the "95°" drop.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I've been on coasters with only a lapbar for inversions

I've never been to Cedar Point, but I hear it's nothing special.
Top 5 coasters: 1. Millenium Force 2.(tie) Dragster/Maverick 3. Shiekra 4. Alpengeist 5. Shivering Timbers

5 days

The OTS on Storm Runner are super comfortable, so I wouldn't be dissapointed at all if that's what it has.

I've rode Storm Runner about 10 times and if you try to hold you hands up the whole ride, it can become very painful during the 2nd, and 3rd inversion untill the ride stops. On TTD holding your hands up the whole ride will be fun and not painful. A lap bar like one on MF or TTD is sufficient for almost any inversion.

Flying high, up in the sky,
We'll keep the blue flag flying high
From Stamford Bridge to Wemb(er)ley
We'll keep the blue flag flying high

It is sufficient, yes. But, I doubt CP will just go with the Intamin lap bar after all the issues on MF and TTD. Plus, you have to take into consideration the perceived safety of the coaster on behalf of the riders. If they think a ride is unsafe, they won't ride it. Even though we know it can be done with just a lapbar, I doubt it will be.

Does Intamin even make a coaster that inverts with only a lapbar? I honestly don't know.

Yes there are inverting coasters with only a lap bar. Son of Beast at Kings' Island only has lap bars. And I think Flight of Fear also only has lap bars too. I can't remember.

I know there are lots of coasters with only lap bars. But, I asked specifically about Intamin.

Storm Runner OTS = Good

Storm Runner Ride = Worst Roller Coaster Ever

Ive been on desert storm and that has 2 vertical loops with just lap bars.. but then again, like you guys already said, its not an intamin coaster.

I didn't get to ride Storm Runner while I was at Hersheypark, but the OTSRs do look comfortable. Not being able to hold up your arms isn't a big deal, I can't do it on B&Ms or Arrows. Not to mention any other OTSRs I've had to use.

Hey I am new. Marc here from ATL. I was on my space and went to Maverick page sent by Cedar Point. The finished complete layout of the Maverick was pictured. Like the finished coaster all complete. Later that night i went to show a friend and it was gone.. Someone took it off. Here is what i saw.

I think the cars are like Shiekra. Why?

The first drop was straight down and the inversions are to tight for a train car.

The long straight piece of track that has the cover over it is the brake run like Kingda Ka. Look at that coaster.

The Lift hill is directly above it. That is why the tall poles all around it.

There is alot of cosmetics to this ride.. The hill that u can see on point buzz jumps over a small like mountain that they will build. That mountain will have a large curved ravine that the track will ride on top of directly in the middle. Some of the inversions that u see now, u cannot see on the finished layout.. like they are enclosed in the dark or partially covered.

That long brake stretch also was covered by a long shed that looked like old Landing station and going inside the old log ride station.


If you dont have a pic their gonna get ya.

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force

Well... apparently not all that quickly. ;)

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He's right. I saw the picture too. I even believed it for about five seconds!

It was from the guy who runs or whatever it's called.

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~

hey... about otsr's.... i am short, 2 ft. 4in. to be exact! I hate otsr because everytime im on a ride with them i bang my head all over them!! theres no possible way for me to enjoy a ride with those things!!

Im comin to cp on the 23-25 of september!

Don't worry dude, I'm sure this coaster will be smooth. Dragster, Millennium Force, and Wicked Twister are made by Intamin, so I'm sure they won't be rough with this one. :)

If it's rough at all, it won't be a bumpy kind of rough, maybe choppy turns, like those found on Mantis that throw me around in the seat. I like those. <333

Then again, I don't know Intamin's style that well, since the only coasters I've ridden by them are at Cedar Point.

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~

shaneman99 said:
hey... about otsr's.... i am short, 2 ft. 4in. to be exact! I hate otsr because everytime im on a ride with them i bang my head all over them!! theres no possible way for me to enjoy a ride with those things!!

If you are really only 2ft 4 inches tall, you wont be riding the new rollercoaster, let alone any adult sized rollercoaster.

Are you able to ride any coasters being 28" tall? I don't know of any OTSR's where you can be that tall to ride. Not even just lapbar coasters. The only coasters I know of that you can ride being that tall would be kiddie coasters.

^You beat me to it. :)
*** Edited 9/3/2006 7:46:36 PM UTC by TThrillD420***

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