Male Roommates!

I haven't seen too many requests for roommates although it's a bit early. This will be my first year at Cedar Point as a ride host on Thunder Canyon. I process in on May 19th! So a little about myself... I am not a "drinker", but I am looking forward to having a good time, I'm very easy going, I'm a pretty neat person so don't have to worry about a mess. I will be driving, I don't mind giving rides at all, I never plan on taking the bus. If you need a roommate here is my facebook: , just in case you want to contact me on there, looking forward to meeting you guys! BTW... I was planning on the commons dorms.

Join this roommate group page on facebook. This may help finding roommates.

Nateee2021 said:
Join this roommate group page on facebook. This may help finding roommates.

Thanks! I will check it out.

St. Louis, MO
Lindenwood University - Computer Science & Mathematics

Jim, Jack, and Jose will be your best friends! You WILL have to ride the bus at some point (July 4th) unless you know someone with a VIP employee parking pass.

CP&LE RR Supervisor/Engineer 04-18

HEY this is my first year also and im looking for roomates also . I process in on may 3rd.

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