Line wait for Maverick this year?

ThatMagnumGirl's avatar

I haven't been able to ride the Maverick yet (the line has been WAY too long) and This Sunday I am planning on finally riding it. Can anyone tell me what the wait has been like this year? Long? approximately how long of a wait? When it the best time to ride so I don't have a long wait? Thanks!

Do you have the early entry into the park? If so, i would just head straight to that in the morning because it isnt too bad then. If not, then when the gates open for regular guests i would head straight to it since it's in the back of the park and most people are exploring the front of the park since they entered the main gate in the morning. I usually work my way from back to front and have found this to be successful in avoiding super long lines. I think the longest line i ever had was a TTD, it said 2 1/2 hours, we got in line and only waited an hour.

ThatMagnumGirl's avatar

What day of the week did u go? I am going this Sunday. No early entry though. Was thinking about going Starlight though.

I usually go on Saturdays and Sundays. (some times i go for half a day on Monday morning - depending on weather)

Last edited by AmberB,

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