Leadership 2008

Treat the Planet Snoopy rides well...it was my hell last season

Im staying at what remains of GL as TL of merch (only 2 tls for the whole waterpark)

Congrats to those who are coming from GL

My signature was edited because it was more than three lines. I'm naughty!

fabulous? 33, you are being entirely too queeny right now.

Mantis crew '06
Mantis, Paddlewheel, Gemini, Skyhawk crews '07
Mantis ATL '08

I'm coming back once again. This time as ATL of Gemini though. Don't know who my TL is yet, but it'll be a good summer.

And what's up with the Job Assignment site? It's not working for me anymore.

Last edited by Top Thrill Ryan,

2009-Maverick TL
2008-Thunder Canyon TL
2007-Top Thrill Dragster (Halloweekends)
2006-Top Thrill Dragster
2005-Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum XL-200, MaXair (Halloweekend Fridays), Shivering Timbers TL
2004-Michigan's Adventure-Shivering Timbers CO-ATL
2003-Michigan's Adventure-Games Attendant

Um yeah its not working for me either...

06-Turnpike Cars crew
07-TL of Turnpike Cars
08-TL of Turnpike Cars

Has everything been filled yet?

The day Kingda Ka closes will be the greatest day in the history of Existence

No, John. Leadership is never 100% filled. People are always coming and going, both in the pre and regular season. Last year I think Demon Drop only had two blue tags for about 1 week.


2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor

Too queeny? Clearly I was the one that earned the title of "too queeny."

Anyway I'm at Maverick. As if there was a soul that didn't already know.

TL Maverick '08
TL Thunder Canyon '07
TL Top Thrill Dragster '06
ATL Mantis '05
Mantis '04
Iron Dragon/Mantis '03

Hi guys,

Steve called me and I'm ATL of Corkscrew! I'm so excited. Only a few more months! :)

2008 - ATL Corkscrew
2007 - Mantis/Millennium/Raptor

Well here we go again with another round of Musical Leadership, I am now the ATL of Blue Streak.

2008 ATL Blue Streak
2007 Every Ride in the Park
2006 Cedar Point Ride Whore

And Im no longer at Wicked Twister...

Last edited by Stringy,

No more Jessica?

Jessica is TL of Raptor now, I believe.

2007 - Wicked Twister
2008 - Wicked Twister
2009 - (Walt Disney World) Space Mountain/Tomorrowland Speedway

Dont panic anyone...Im still the TL of Turnpikes :)

06-Turnpike Cars crew
07-TL of Turnpike Cars
08-TL of Turnpike Cars

Good to know CP leadership never changes.....j/k

1999 CCTC TL, 2002 MF, 2003 TL TPK Cars, 2004 TL Blue Streak, 2005 TL Mantis: Real World Teacher 2005-Present

Change? whats this change thing you speak of?

'08 Planet Snoopy ATL
'07 Raptor ATL
'06 Wicked Twister/SkyRide

'04 Six Flags Over Texas - Rides Lead

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