know anyone who didnt get hired?

Worried about my app. Has anyone never been hired before or know someone who hasnt? did they let you know or you just never got the call?

There are people who do not get hired, the reasons are only known to management, for privacy. When you apply, your app will, or at least should be reviewed by a manager from one of the departments you chose to work in. Then it will say your app was reviewed by Mr Smith in Foods on such and such a date. Then it should say your app will remain on file for the 2011 hiring season. That's just an example, but you have to check the status of your app to see who's been reviewing it. If you get hired, you will be contacted. If you don't hear from them, probably you should call CP and see what's up, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Sweep 04,05 Pagoda 06 Pagoda TL 07 Snoopy Boutique TL '08 Emporium TL '09 Cedar Creek TL '10 and '11, 2012

thanks will do

My ex girlfriend told me to do an application after she did hers. The sad part is I got the job but she didn't.

2011 Shoot the Rapids & Kiddy Kingdom
2011 Screamster - Eternity Infirmary

2012 ATL Camp Snoopy :D

2013 Gemini, Shoot The Rapids, Mean Streak, Camp Snoopy, Gatekeeper

2014 TL CP & LE Railroad

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