Just had my interview.

I applied online last night and just had my phone interview about an hour ago. I have a pretty good feeling that I'm gonna be hired. I'm gonna be moving into one of their dorms. I'd like to find out how things go on over there.

I've never been to Cedar Point but I'm a huge park & coaster fanatic. Just moved up from florida and knew Universal down there like the back of my hand.

Who did you interview with?
2004-TL Mean Streak
2003-ATL Mean Streak
I don't think I got his name, and if I did I've already forgotten it, I'm excited.
Hey Emerald do you know what division you are in?
Emerald to answer you question about the dorms. There's four different dorms in two locations. On point you have Cedars (Men) and Gold (Women)... Off point you have the Commons appartments and dorms... and the Bayside appartments. Last summer I lived in one of the commons appartments with 14 other guys. Honestly it was a blast but I know alot of people who didn't have such a good time because they didn't get along that great with their roomates. Just to warn you... there are people who will steal stuff so if you're planning on bringing anything valuable i'd keep it locked up pretty tight when you aren't around for about the first month or so. Anyway... i'd suggest trying to get into the Bayside appartments... they're much nicer and have somewhere between 6 and 9 people in them. But those are usually taken pretty quickly by the employees who get up to CP for pre-season cleanup and stuff like that. Anyway i'm guessing your gonna be in rides... if you are it's a BLAST! I just put in my app to come back for a second season and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll rehire me. I did get a rehire packet back in November so I think I will... but until I get my contract in the mail i'm going to be nervous. Anyway... if you want... and if you have AIM... you can add me... s/n is creedguy0407... i'll be glad to answer any other questions to the best of my ability.

2003 Power Tower Crew

I think he's working in Environmental Services. I'm pretty sure I saw his name on the Weekly E-mail Newsletter our Manger sends us. Don't worry Spider.. even though we aren't Rides we are still one of the best and funnest departments to work for!

Without Environmental Services Cedar Point would be a dirty park!

Ooh my ooh my Emerald. Just wait until you get on that causeway for the first time and see that skyline. You're in for a huge surprise. You haven't seen anything like this in Florida. Enjoy...
Hehehe... yes, seeing that skyline for the first time is something else. And, seeing it for the first time with Millennium and Dragster in on it... you're in for a very nice surprise. ;) Welcome to the park!

2003 - Wicked Twister Crew
2004 - Wicked Twister Crew

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