July 28th- one day-a review/rant

If you're not crazy about soft drinks and want Powerade through their outdoor (Coca-Cola Refreshments I believe) stand prepare see some gross dilluted water

I also had 2 WOS despite me losing 13 pounds--do I really need to lose more. My weight was 257 lbs but i ballooned for the day a few more from pizza and drinks.

The Millennium Force was closed >=-(

I did have some fun though. I really liked the Maverick and Rogararu.

I'll probably have more fun in August when I return, to be fair I was feeling under the weather

e x i t english's avatar

But, how was Pac-Man?

Skyhawk06's avatar

^Is that also going to become a reoccurring joke on this site?

As for some actually serious contribution, I was there July 26/27, and both days TTD wasn't using rows 8 and 9. Anyone know what the deal with that was?

Steel Vengeance rides: 222

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

XS NightClub's avatar

TTD Rows 8 & 9 are now reserved from Guests Services for guests that need to be made whole.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Dvo's avatar

They're cleaning out the nail clippings from those rows, and fixing the wheels that they put on wrong.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

e x i t english's avatar

Skyhawk06 said:

^Is that also going to become a reoccurring joke on this site?

You didn’t answer my question!

"I also had 2 WOS despite me losing 13 pounds--do I really need to lose more. My weight was 257 lbs but i ballooned for the day a few more from pizza and drinks."

What does WOS stand for?

Skyhawk06's avatar

^WOS stands for Walk Of Shame. It's when you're too fat to get on a ride, and the ride ops try to staple you in. But you can't fit, and you have to leave. Then you walk off the platform with everyone staring at you. Hence, the walk of shame.

Steel Vengeance rides: 222

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

"^WOS stands for Walk Of Shame. It's when you're too fat to get on a ride, and the ride ops try to staple you in. But you can't fit, and you have to leave. Then you walk off the platform with everyone staring at you. Hence, the walk of shame."

Thanks! Aw. People are jerks!

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