One day back in July I was working over on Wicked Twister down at the entrance with Tedric. If you have ever ridden, tried to ride, or worked on WT you should be aware that there is absolutely no loose item allowed past entrance. This lady came up with one of those huge Spongebobs and Tedric told her that she would have to leave it in a locker or with a non-rider. Of course she pointed out that the lockers there are too small so he suggested the all day bins by Demon Drop. They turned around a walked a few feet away and neither of us thought anything more about it. About ten minutes later, Tedric leaned over to me and said "Oh my god, Jeremy, look what she's doing." This lady and her group had huddled around a trashcan and were proceeding to take the stuffing out of a Spongebob that is bigger than most children under three. Of course it was windy and stuffing was just flying everywhere on the midway. She then walked back up, said "There are you happy now.", and tried to get in line again. Tedric again told her that she could not take any loose items so she argued that she would tuck it in to her belt. Once again he repeated the policy. At that time, I couldn't resist. I chimed up, "Well it will fit into one of those little lockers now." She looked back and forth between us and blew smoke out her nose and turned around and walked away *****ing about paying $42 to get in the park. Quite funny when it happened even though we felt bad for poor, mutilated Spongebob.
Thunder Canyon, Wave Swinger/Swan Boats '00
ATL CP & LE R.R, Magnum XL-200 '01
Raptor, Disaster Transport, Demon Drop, general ride whore '