what enterance (where is it ) and if you stay at a resort can you use it to get in early?
Jeff I don't think you would have a problem getting on TTD. I'm 5'11 and about 275 and I get the seat belt buckled. I look for a guy on the platform where I sit. So i know I'll get a good tug to get 1inch of slack I've rode it 10 times. And not once have I've been turned down. You should sit in the test seat and just practice finding away to buckle it. I set there for like 10 mins and till i found the exact way i could get it buckled. :D I don't think you should have any problems. I still can't fit on MF though. I think its due to the fact that MIllys seat is only 12in deep and TTD is 14 inch deep casue thats about what I"m short on MF. So I don't think you should have a problem.
The beach gate lets people in early too, isn't that the "official" resort enterance? I know when I was there when they were about to let people into the park the person at the gate said.."everyone here is staying at the hotel right?..Okay" and just let everyone in. I am also a JCC member and I don't think its right to let the people who didn't pay the $15 in. It just doesn't seem fair, I paid my money for early enterance and they didn't, why should they possibly get in front of me for a ride on MF or TTD.
Jeff-and whoever else may have the same concerns... dont be worried about not fitting on MF. it all has to do with how you are proportioned. you can try the test seat but just to advise you they look for 3 inches of slack down there and only 1 inch on the platform. And as far as i kno ride ops arnt aloud to touch you or your seat belt, you have to be able to faten it by yourself. the best advise i can give you is not to be worried and just go up there and enjoy your awsome ride!
wow crazycoasterchick thanks for informing us on the MF new rules. I'm sure none of us had any idea.
thanks! I am going to try TTD next time i am there.
2005- Sky Ride
2006- Sky Ride
Happy not to be working at the Point any longer