I was wondering, when you apply for a job, and once they call you, if you do a phone interview, can you request a particular ride, if your applying to be a ride host? or do you have to take what they tell you?
when i requested a ride they said they would do what they could but no promises. i didn't get the ride i requested, but I'm happy where I'm at :)
Mantis (and Raptor/Wildcat) - 2006
Mantis ATL - 2007
at the end of my interview, i was asked if i had any questions...and i asked for raptor, and now....she is my baby!! so, it is worth it to ask for sure!
19 days...
Acting ATL Raptor 06
Gemini/Skyhawk/Maverick 07
yeah it didn't matter to me... as long as i got a job i would be super happy! my friends and i leave in about 40 days... I'm so excited!
'06 - Magnum Crew
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