
DevynxCouture's avatar

does the earrings really have to be the size of a dime?? or is it better to not wear earrings at all!
and can i wear my necklace if it's just a chain with nothing dangling on it

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12

MillenniumSpork's avatar

Earrings have to be the size of a dime or smaller.

Necklaces of any kind aren't allowed.

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

MillenniumSpork said:
Earrings have to be the size of a dime or smaller.

Necklaces of any kind aren't allowed.

that is not true the guidelines state Heavy, Large Beaded or long Dangling Neckplaces are prohibited. there is nothing against a small chain necklace or something of that style in the guidelines

2012: Server- TGIFridays- Cleveland Road
2011: Foods: Grill Cook- Joe Cool Cafe
2010: Merchandise: Speed Zone/ Soak City
2009: Merchandise: Speed Zone
2008:Merchandise: Joe Cool Corner Store, Speed Zone
2007:Corkscrew, Cp and Le Railroad, Skyhawk, Kiddy Kingdom, Iron Dragon

DevynxCouture's avatar

ok good. thanks:)

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12

But in rides, they won't let you have a necklace at all.

2005-2007 Merchandise/ Ride Photo Team Leader
2008-2009 Rides. Mantis, Millennium, Magnum, Top Thrill Dragster
2011-2013 TGI Fridays on the beach. Server/ Bartender.

MillenniumSpork's avatar

Jessca said:
But in rides, they won't let you have a necklace at all.

Which is kind of ironic, because we had to wear those stupid bow-ties last year.

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

In regards to necklaces, the grooming guidelines state that conservative personal jewelry is acceptable, with the exception of heavy and/or beaded necklaces. You are permitted to wear a necklace and as a Team Leader I have never been instructed to make someone take off a necklace that was being worn unless it was indeed heavy, dangling and/or beaded.

Last edited by BGRooDoG,

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor

I have a question about Rings...

My son is a ride host. (Wildcat!)

Although we (his parents) would rather he keep his class ring home, he loves wearing it. My daughter lost her class ring while working at Cedar Point, but was lucky enough to find it.

Can Ride Host wear Rings, while working? Or should he just keep it home and deal with not wearing it?

GATEKEEPER-I came, I rode, I was mildly disappointed; until a second ride (rear left) put GateKeeper back on's a nice ride list.

Grooming Guidelines allow you to wear one ring per hand as long as its not a thumb ring.

2012: Server- TGIFridays- Cleveland Road
2011: Foods: Grill Cook- Joe Cool Cafe
2010: Merchandise: Speed Zone/ Soak City
2009: Merchandise: Speed Zone
2008:Merchandise: Joe Cool Corner Store, Speed Zone
2007:Corkscrew, Cp and Le Railroad, Skyhawk, Kiddy Kingdom, Iron Dragon

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