It only took 12 years but.....

It only took 12 years but they FINALLY cut the queue at the base of the Magnum stairs and put a chain up. This means when Magnum is a walk on (and thanks to SFWOA and MF) it normally is in the early hours and night hours people don't have to hop over or under the queue.

Magnum to do list

Fix Axles = done
Paint Track = still waiting
Cut queue railing = done
Return entrance sign = still waiting
Allow rerides = still waiting, and waiting
Remove Photo sensor from second hill = still waiting
Bring back all lights and sound effects in tunnel # 3 = will never happen

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 519
"All I see is water"

Well, hooray! That was always a pet peeve of mine, having people go through the queue rail even though it wasn't line jumping because no one was there anyway. Anything for a bit more efficiency and faster riding!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Thank God. I don't know if my back felt worse from riding or from hitting on the queue while going under it... ;) :)

Dan, I with you... they need to allow rerides... I could easily be up to 500 lifetime laps... and bring back the storm tropper!

Sweet! I thought it was pretty bothersome at Coastermania when I had to duck under that rail 20 times! :)

That should make Coastermania easier next year...;)
Andrew, Dan, et al RERIDES won't happen in our lifetime. We just have to learn to deal with it...
I don't think re-rides or the entrance sign will ever happen. Bring back the entrance sign!!!
It was funny today, I was getting ready to duck and the bar was gone I couldn't believe it!
Hahaha. I rushed home from work tonight just to post this. Looks like someone beat me to it.

This Morning I walked through it and was like What the !@##@$? It is done very professionally too, nice welding :).

BTW, I loved trying to get through the rails without touching it, sort of like the one game were you have to slide the ring down the twisted pole without toughing the sides.

2001 Force Laps-106
2001 Magnum Laps-220
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100
Heh, well only being a one-time visitor to both the magnum and CP itself, I guess I didn't notice really about the queue lines cut or w/e u guys are talking about.

and the re-rides.... never will happen.
"This is better than orgasm." ~Effie, Road Rules 2 on MTV
Well it's about time. I'm tired of either walking around or going under the rail.

2000 MF LAPS: 117
2001 MF LAPS: 130
Gemini 100: 100
The photo sensor on the second hill? I'm confused. I'll try to figure it out though:

If I remember correctly (I might not) there was a camera after hill 2 for the on-ride photo... is that what's being talked about Dan?

-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80 and member of the O.C.!
Old Timer Tim, I know that rerides won't happen in our lifetime... I bet one the main reasons are fairness for other guests and a safe reason: Some people just wouldn't know when to stop riding and take a break. Which makes me wonder why Cedar Point allowed rerides at Millennium Mania and if they are going to allow rerides again this year.

Joe E: Ah, the queue line limbo! :) First one to touch the silver rails has to go to the end of the line... (I remember trying not to touch too, trying to look like this is something you do all the time...)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Jeff's avatar
No, Andrew, it's because they're super-anal about counting the number of people who ride. Unlike a lot of parks, the data is important to them because it teaches them how to run the park. That's why they have to record the counts on the turnstiles every so often.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
I knew that was a factor(I just thing that is as big of a factor, they could always just write down how many people reride on slow days). But if they weren't some much into counting I still think riders not getting off(most people know when to take breaks, some don't) is a factor.

Andrew *** This post was edited by Andrew on 7/27/2001. ***
Now only if they would make a second queue entrance, through the tree, behind the refreshment stand. Now that would really cut the walking down.
And about the people counting, I noticed that when they where giving re-rides during MM, they operators where counting the riders and letting the person at the entrance know the total.

Bob M.
Pretty Stupid Anal if you ask me. Do they realize very time a ride breaks down people leave the platform, yet they are still counted? Whatever MF final tally is for the year, subtract 2 for me because twice I went up, turned the turnstile and left because of Mechanical problems. Ditto for Magnum. The Rerides if allwoed would still probably fall short of the actuall numbers.

I would also like to add this to the "to do" list. Have the lap bars stay up during loading. Gemini's bars stay up, but Magnum's bars fall down for the most part.

2001 Force Laps-106
2001 Magnum Laps-222
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100
Some of Corkscerw's restraints do that too. I've noticed that on Magnum also. If I'm a single rider and when the ride is over I'll undo my seat belt and the seat next to me. When the lap bars release I'll push both up so the next person doesn't have to do that. But sometimes when I push both up they will fall right back down.

2000 MF LAPS: 117
2001 MF LAPS: 130
Gemini 100: 100
Anal is an understatement. I have noticed in the Magnum control booth they have a tally counter and it counts the special access people, parent swap people, and the people with exit passes. I know that they add the numbers to the DOR every night. Why not use the same counter to count the number of people that reride?

There have been times I would come back into the station and the station would be empty and they would make me get out and walk around.

Now if they are paying employees to check lap bars, and they are paying for electricity to run the ride why waste money and send empty trains, and empty seats.

It makes no sense to me. Then the point was brought up about how the count gets thrown off if the ride goes down due to mechanical reasons or due to weather. I really don't like how SF puts their turnstile at the exit of the ride but you do get a more accuarate count that way.

ohh well

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 519
"All I see is water"

I thought I saw a counter in the control booth.

I was thinking about Millennium Mania and if I remember right, the person doing spiels had a counter in hand.

Doesn't make sense to me either Dan. The ultimate way to do it would be in your situation, to just stay put on the train if you wanted to reride. Instead you have to go all the way around and through all the queue just so they can get a count. Couldn't someone on the floor have a counter and add the reride people still in the train to their turnstile count?

Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited

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