Is this the reason for a delay of the announcement

Kevin Dreyling

There was a well known poster on rec.roller-coaster who I know is also an editor of First Drop magazine (Out of respect I won't say his name but many people can guess who it is.) and he says something like this"If you think people were *****ing about Wicked Twister wait until they announce the new ride!" Also he quoted something along this line, "The park is waiting to announce it because enthousiasts on RRC will start *****ing about the height, length, speed etc about the new coaster." Someone responded saying that "I doubt people will be *****ing about the height" and again this guy said "But wait until they announce the length of the drop and people will start *****ing!" Now I could be slightly off on the quote since they are not exact quotes but more of a paraphase on what he said but Jeff you has hinted that there was at least one aspect of the ride that we enthusiasts may complain about. So is this First Drop editor correct and do you think that CP is holding off on the announcement because we would find something to whine about the ride?


Yup. That's CP's main concern, right there--that we enthusiasts will complain. 'Cause they specifically spent millions and millions of dollars on a large coaster project with such a major drawback that they're afraid to announce it lest they face the mighty and scathing wrath of the enthusiast crowd. And it makes sense, too! Cause announcing it in, say, January, gives us a scant five months to complain about the ride.

Richard Zellner

I do not think the general public would even think about the ride length unless it was publicly announced. I do not think coaster enthusiasts would really chance thier plans to ride the thing either. A 400 foot drop is huge no matter how long the ride is. It's something people want. If they thought people were going to whine about it, I doubt they would build the thing.


ShiveringTim's avatar
That's just it. The point Kevin was making was that this thing might not have a 400+' drop, just a 400+' tower. We already know that the end of the launch run will probably be around 60' up, so that only leaves 340' to get to 400'. The possibility is there that the downside of the tower (pun intended) will be about the same. That means that the top speed will be hit on the launch and the rest of the ride is there just to bleed off speed.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie



after cp reads this form they will probobly will put there anouncement off even longer. It seem some people already have decided that the new coaster is just a 400 foot top hat and that's it.


How can anyone actually complain about what CP is doing/ or has done? They have been the best for a reason, and I'm sure whatever they are planning, it will be great. With the exception of $3 waters, I have never been disappointed with what CP has done, (well maybe Mean Streak), and they changed the price!
I'm not trying to kiss CP's butt, I am trying to be honest. I am just happy that we will be getting a new ride, and it sounds like it will have epic proportions.
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Jeff's avatar
Hahahahahahaha. Oh please! Do you think Cedar Point gives two dog droppings about what anyone on RRC says? Do you think half the people in marketing even know what RRC is? Give me a freakin' brake!

Let me say it again in big bold letters: The enthusiast community doesn't mean jack in Cedar Point's big picture.

It is outright staggering to read the conspiracy theories online. Does anyone think anymore?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure




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I just can't resist asking...

What kind of a "brake" would you like? Disk or Drum? ;-)



Kevin Dreyling

CP rarely disappoints me. Other than food/parking prices and that mean stapling operator I had on Magnum last year and Mean Streak I have nothing to really complain about. MF and Magnum are two of the best coasters in the world and Gemini and BS are underrated although I think BS is just above average its better than anything at Valleyfair. If this new coaster is VERY TALL with a drop bigger than MF's drop I WILL be impressed. I do hope its a longer ride with more hills than Xcellerator(sp?).


Jeff's avatar
I hate it when people never post anything unless it's to correct me. With 4,000+ posts I think I'm entitled to make a mistake now and then. Get back to me when you've broken 50.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure



CWD said:
What kind of a "brake" would you like? Disk or Drum?

Dude, you should've at least said Magnetic or Trim! Sheesh!




Stop >harassing< Jeff. Oh great, now they're going to >harass< me for my spelling.


You know, enthusiass's aren't really enthusiasts.




The real reason for the delay of the announcement is Richard Kinzel read all the enthusiass's complain about how the coaster is going to ve a launch tophat then brakes. Since that's what CP is gettin, he decided to *give* the coaster to SFWOA because of all the enthusiasses.
House of Tomorrow: Only technology makes live worth living


I truly think CP's delay in the announcement is based upon the time it would take another park to implement a similar ride. If the hold off announcing a new ride a few months, it could allow their new ride to remain a “unique ride” for an additional season. This is the same concept that automotive companies use on new automobiles. With new cars, usually they do not release photos of the final production model until a few months before they are released.

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Jeff's avatar
These things are not designed in the space of a few months you know. I mean, track for Millennium Force first arrived in December 1998.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure



I am aware of the extensive time spent on R&D. My point is that delaying the anouncement by 2-4 months could essentialy give them an extra season advantage on another park a couple of years down the road. If they were to announce the ride in August another park could react and could have the new ride in place maybe two years from now. Howerver if they don't announce it until November, it could be a 3 season wait until the ride opens.

Cedar Point can not and will not be responsible for any thing lost or dammaged.


Mark Hoppus

It's kind of obvious that it is for 2003, but they could announce the ride in like February or March. Who knows?

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I don't think they will wait that long. Heck, by that time, they might be testing it!

Of course, we might get some cool ass promo video.

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