Is it posible to move a large coaster?

Jeff's avatar
I never said you couldn't move coasters, only that the Arrow rides at Cedar Point would be difficult to move.

I do wonder of Arrow finally figured it out and made Drachen Fire a bolt-together coaster.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 25
Cedar Point once had a wood-tracked Wild Mouse. Steel structure; photos in CP:tqoawp (1992/1995).

That was long before my time.

In 1970 they installed a Schwarzkopf Wildcat approximately where the Aquatic Stadium (Oceana) is now.

In 1979...I think it was after the 1979 season but I am not sure...the Wildcat was shipped off to Valleyfair! and a new Wildcat was purchased from Schwarzkopf. The differences between the old Wildcat and the new Wildcat are really quite subtle. Most obvious is the difference in the kicker wheels halfway around the curve from the station to the lift.

That new Wildcat was erected just down the beach from the old one, on the approximate site previously occupied by the Jumbo Jet. I believe this change (from Jumbo Jet to Wildcat) caused a change in the orientation of that corner of the midway, and the relocation of the Matterhorn to its present location. The Oceana stadium was built for the 1980 season.

For the 1985 season, the Rotor was removed, the Schwabinchen was moved to the Rotor's old spot, the Bayern Kurve was removed (and sent to Valleyfair!?) and the Wildcat was relocated to the position previously occupied by the Schwabinchen and Bayern Kurve. This made room for Avalanche Run.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Gemini's avatar
Here's the park map from 1979:

Another it's not clear, it still looks like the Matterhorn is next to the Space Spiral and the Tiki Twirl is still in place. I think the Tiki Twirl lasted until the Matterhorn was moved there in 1985.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
I KNEW there was a wooden Wildcat over there, with the responses I was getting, I would have freaked out, because I knew there was one over by the beach.

MF count: 4
Raptor count: 4
Mantis count: 4
Magnum count: 3

Mean Streak: Fast and Furious,
It is also worth mentioning that Wildcat I was removed from Valley Fair (VF right?) and is currently trying to be sold. Last I heard it is off the chopping block. That would mean that CF is keeping it?

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