If you can't tell by now...

I was up at CP tonight and took a good look at what footers we have so far. It's getting to the point that if you can't tell the layout of S:TR yet you are one of three things:

1.) Blind

2.) Stupid

3.) In denial

Your next trip up to the Po!nt take a look at what we have so far and I think you'll finally see what Jeff said would be the infamous "disappointment." Also, it looks as though track on at least one of the two sides of the tophat will be coming down to near ground level. You can see this if you eyeball the arc of the curve made by the grey supports on the lagoon side of the tower.

If you can find footers on the island or footers for an overbank you will be my personal hero for at least the next 20 minutes.

- John
Toasted flying banana's are fun.

*** This post was edited by Michael Darling 9/28/2002 11:23:16 PM ***

Well, John, I guess I might as well throw in my latest observation.

Note-this is just from looking at the pics at Virtual Midway

Look at this picture. The gray supports look to be over to the left ever so slightly. Also, look at the bottom of the tower on both sides. Theres still an unused support connection on each side. My guess is that each will be for a another larger "triange" support "thingie", like the ones directly above.

This Picture also makes it look as if they are a bit to the left instead. Maybe it could before a turn going towards the lagoon, its looks way to close to bank the other way.

The only one I could find which made them seem to look a bit more lined up would be this one, but still, something doesn't seem right.

Sure, I do want overbanks or at least an Xcellerator clone. But remember, a lot of enthusiasts complain about Millennium Force's overbanks, saying there to boring and overused. Now people may complain about them not being used at all. funny :)

"Wheres the Callahan factory?!?!?"

Those supports do look a little not-so-straight in those pics. In person (at least from the angles I was looking at and the positions of footers further south on the midway) they seem to be much more linear.

- John
Toasted flying banana's are fun.

So, basically what you are saying is that it is a Superman The Ride with a tophat completing the cirucuit...
I think we can dismiss the "gray supports not lining up with the tower" theory. If you were there in person, you know what I mean. They DO line up.

However, I do have a bad feeling about the overall layout of the ride. I got a great view from Power Tower and all the footers are in two lines leading up to the tower. Of course, there will be more, and they may not be in one of these lines, but we'll see. Also, the massive amounts of brake track in the Soak City lot aren't exactly a good sign either if we're looking for a longer ride with multiple elements.

Wicked twists: 10
Danger: Hgih Voltage!
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero 9/29/2002 12:37:59 AM ***

if the launch is at 120 MPH even with multiple elements a 3000 foot ride would probably be going 80-90 MPH when it hits the brakes.

MF Only loses 30 MPH and it is almost 7000 feet long.

Welcome back Magnum riders how was your ride?

You know,those pics pointed out on virtual midway made me realize something. The towers for the tophat on xcelerator are a LOT further apart for the upside and downside than the ones on CP's version,unless that yellow tower we see pics of is a LOT wider than it looks or they narrowed the tophat substantially. Anyone else see it? Look at twisted rails pictures of the tophat and you will see what I mean.
I'm not *quite* sure why everyone thinks they're done pouring footers. I admit that it'd be unusual to begin vertical construction before all the footers are poured, but if some of the footers are being placed in areas that are inaccessible until after the season ends (i.e., anywhere other than Area51), then it makes perfect sense that they haven't been poured yet.

I guess its entirely possible that it will be a launch-tophat-brakerun ride, but I think you people are jumping to some sweeping conclusions based on the unique construction situation taking place.

I look at it this way. Construction of Millie began after the season ended. With construction starting now it has to be huge IMO. Even with plenty of time for testing It is still amzingly uncommon to begin vertical construction in early Septemeber. I think it will be like Xcelerator, a top hat a couple overbanks and thats it. But I also belive that it is oing to be at twice the scale of Xcelerator.

Who really cares, I am drooling over the possibility of being launched to 120 or so MPH in a couple of seconds. Undoubtedly this thing is going to be huge. Thesupports are already 200 feet tall and from the looks of the supports for the pull out it is going to be a heck of a lot taller then that.

Denial is a weird thing.

Unless intamin found another use for the twisted track on Xcelerators tophat, CP WILL get one. http://www.setecx.com/pics/cp92902const/imagepages/PICT0105.html

There is launch track, brake track and all kinds or other parts.
House of Tomorrow: Only technology makes live worth living

I just have a few questions about all of this. Well for one I agree that it looks like it's going to be a VERY short ride. But then why are they doing so much work with emptying the lagoon etc. It seems like they would put some footers in there or something. Any one have any grand ideas about that? Also is it possible for someone to get a good overhead shot of all the work going on? It's hard to see the layout very well from the pictures. I will still be happy if it's just launch, tophat, brakes... but it just seems so... so 6 flags of them. I personaly don't think that's Cp's style, but who knows.

:) "if aquarium gravel is so bad for you... how come it tastes so good?" :)

Milleniumbouya, I've answered the lagoon draining question on another thread, the lagoon is being drained by the island because CP had to install a "metal" dam along the shoreline where Chaos used to sit. This was needed to fill in land. As for the lagoon draining across from Power Tower and Super Himalaya, this is where cueue lines/entrance will most likely go. Hope this helps.
I wouldn't look at the fact that they're beginning the vertical construction already and say that the ride is incredibly huge or etc. I think it's just to stir up interest. Yesterday, I heard people talking about the "big yellow thing" and what it might be in almost every line. It's basically free advertising.

Millenniumbouya said:
... but it just seems so... so 6 flags of them.

I was thinking the same thing if they have a "launch-tophat-brakes" coaster...

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001. || Cruiser Boy since 2002.
"Pessimistic people are the happiest people on the planet. They're either right or pleasantly surprised."

ryangs, I doubt CP would go to all of the trouble to get a coaster built very early solely for advertising. If they wanted advertising, all they would need to do is post a huge sign at the entrance saying "We're building a sickly large coaster next year". That would stir up interest more than seeing a few supports. It just seems that it would have to be big for construction starting early, though I am not saying anything for sure because I do not know. But I can bet an arm that it isn't for advertising.
The pull out Ends at the top of this tower....I could see at least 100 or 200 Feet more for the tophat. They might be puttin off the construction of the other elements of this ride because the park is still open and people need to walk on something.

If this was just a launch...tophat...breaks coaster, Why clear out all that land and trees. Also, Why make a landbridge to the island?

I do hope its going to be not just a simple coaster like that. Then we'll see 2 disappoinments for 2 years in a row now. with the WT. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how this goes on.
*** This post was edited by Big D 9/29/2002 10:45:08 PM ***

Wow, it looks like most folks are in denial! ;) (And I'm not talking about a river in Egypt, folks!) A few people do seem to be observing the same things that I am.

S:TR, in my opinion, will be launch, tophat, brakes. That's all I see room for. And this "landbridge" y'all speak of, where is it exactly? All I see is a section of drained lagoon.

Setting aside all "rumors" and "confirmations" that I have heard, here is what I think is going on based on my own observations at the Point:

*The queue will be near Power Tower and the ID finale (that portion of lagoon that is empty). The station will be just past that. I can't tell which side the ride will launch from. It would make sense to have it launch from the midway side to be more dramatic, but it makes sense to launch on the lagoon side to be quieter.

*From my estimates of the current height of the tower (taking into account that as of last night we still don't have any connections on the tower that allow for vertical or twisting track) I would say that S:TR's top hat will top out at about 415-430 feet. If you do the very rough physics that will put you in the 115-125 MPHish range (a rough estimate, somebody with a TI-89 that actually has batteries can do the physics if they want).

*The white track will be for the tophat; most of the red track is straight and has the brake hardware attached to it.

*The pathway that ran next to Chaos back to PWE looks like it might stay there. All of the rest of the pavement in the area has been torn up. If they weren't planning on keeping it, wouldn't it be gone already? Also, it would make for a very exciting stroll when the ride is running.

Just keep in mind that this is just what I'm seeing happen. You are entitled to your own opinions. I am not presenting this to you as fact, just educated guesses.

- John
Toasted flying banana's are fun.

*** This post was edited by Michael Darling 9/29/2002 11:02:15 PM ***

I don't think Twister is a disappointment at all....

Back to the "S:TR idea" posted by Michael Darling, I hate to say it, but I very confused by that comment. I have no you're trying to say, and why Superman: The Escape (if that's what S:TR means) has to do with Cedar Point. I thought we were getting a rocket coaster. I guess I'm "blind, stupid, and in denial" cause I have no idea what your comments mean?


Let your mind go...and your body will follow...

S:TR- the Intiman "Rocket" coaster that will open at Cedar Point in 2003; Has nothing to do with Superman.

I (along with my co-coiners KicksTheSky and Robodud) promise to announce the true meaning of S:TR at a later date, which will probably be after the official CP announcement.

I understand your confusion, Mikey. I see how it could happen and I apologize.
- John
Toasted flying banana's are fun.

At first, I was thinking Something: The Ride, but thats too Six Flags. Or is that the point?

I disagree with your opinion that the white track will only be used for the top hat. I saw in pictures that there were red twisting pieces, so I figure that either the red track will be for the top hat and yellow supports, or there will be red and white track alternating through the entire top hat, and white track for the tan/white supports and like I said originally, red track for the yellow supports. Though for this to work, the tan/white supports that I thought were for the launch would have to be for the brake run.

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