
attention psychologists and other important smart people with decorative pieces of paper on their thrill dragster is a successful $25 million investment in the study of idiocracy.

so cedar pointless builds a beautiful yellow tall steel frame complete with a fun little ride attached to it that doesnt work thanks to the slovenly effort by the lowest bidder for its construction. go figure the positioning of it wouldn't be effected by the incoming winds from lake erie. go figure the hydraulic system wouldnt work period. go figure they wouldnt want to spend the off season making sure it works before beginning advertisements, or of course doing these stupid "test runs" which work perfectly then closing the ride for "inclement weather" on a perfectly sunny day. of course, its a shame that more money wasnt budgeted into designing aspect of it to insure that the spoilers and tires would be able to withstand the aerodynamics against the wind and the incoming lake erie winds and wouldn't create "drag" on the "dragster" slowing the cars down and wanting to take flight in the opposite direction thanks to bernouli's principle and go flying off into the ponds below.

and of course go figure the morons who have traveled from all over the country and the world to come to a park only to stand in a line stretching from the corkscrew back to johnny rockets only to throw the biggest temper tantrum of their lives since they were 3 when they find out that its not working.

all of this for a ride that is nothing more than a mere motion of going up and down in only 17 seconds.

i guess this is improvement for a majority of the people's sex lives out there.

cheap thrills dragster. coming to an amusement park near you.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

Anybody got a flame proof suit on sale?
I'll tell you the same thing ive told everyone else, YOU go build a better ride and come back and see me when you do.
i got some matches and a can of gasoline...anybody with me?

Obviously dude, You're the moron. Your whinning isnt gonna get you anywhere. Please go check amusement today next year and then tell us then that "all of this for a ride that is nothing more than a mere motion of going up and down in only 17 seconds".

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.
*** This post was edited by Big D 6/16/2003 5:00:33 PM ***

that's the point. construction of the ride was rushed and they left out say...every important major detail to make it work successfully. including the positioning of the damn thing so the incoming winds wouldnt slow the cars down. that's 30% of their closure problems right there. then there's the bernouli's principle...adding say another 10% for the reasons why it was closed. then of course their cable wasnt adequate enough for the weight they didnt estimate. so that's another 20% of the closure problems. wow, 60% of the problems by ignorance of design.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

i'm not whining. i work for the park. i've been on it multiple times. i could care less if the damn thing goes or not. and most people that work here think its a big joke. welcome to 2003.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

Man, we get one around here at least once a week, don't we?
Not that refuting your posts is worth the time:

"including the positioning of the damn thing so the incoming winds"

Now, as I'm sure you know, the prevailing winds in this hemisphere are from the southwest. Given that, how does this affect a ride that launches to the north/northeast?

You don't have to answer.

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

First, due to your poor writing style, I doubt you work there. Yell at me, and say I'm wrong, but I have no reason to believe you.

Now then, where were we...

Oh yes, TTD. Just FYI all prototypes have problems, and compared to some coasters (X, Deja Vu), TTD is running fine. If the Cedar Point employees think TTD is a joke, then X is the laughing stock of the millennium!

Give it time and quit whining (you are whining you know), CP will have this thing running perfectly in the near future.

EDIT - your profile says you're from Saint Louis... hmmm... that aint near Sandusky to my knowledge ;)

--Dingo 65--
*** This post was edited by Dingo 65 6/16/2003 5:07:39 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Dingo 65 6/16/2003 5:14:34 PM ***

probably more then that.

Jeff or any of the mods... Please put some water on this fire before it gets ugly.

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.

Man, I've heard some STUPID posts, but this one is amazingly retarded.

Winds closed TTD down like once. And the construction wasn't rushed, they started planning this ride in 2000, how is that rushed? If you ask me they took their time. Things go wrong, and the bigger something is, the bigger the problems.

"If anything is gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there"
-Capton Ron.

a) i work at cp

b) everybody who works at cp makes plenty of jokes about people like all of you

c) my writing style is perfectly fine. what about it do you not like?

d) prevailing southwest winds are not the case. it is the canadian maritime winds that move down from canada across lake erie. if the dragster went up on the left side and came down on the right side, it wouldn't be a problem. but the coriolis effect will slow the car down as it comes into the wind. also you are not taking into account that the peninsula that cedar point sits on is not facing north/south. it faces northwest and is also therefore directly influenced by winds out of the southwest. hope this answers your question, sincerely yours, atmospherical sciences major, purdue university.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

winds shut down the top thrill dragster almost every day.

if you were in the park, you'd hear and see the signs for the top thrill dragster being closed due to weather conditions.

i live next door to people who work(ed) on the damn thing.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

LOL. This guy lives in Missouri... and thinks that he works at Cedar Point? HAHA. funniest thing I have ever heard. I think you should go see a doctor, pal.
Haha, Yea....Ever see that button that says SHIFT on it. Its right above the Ctrl button which means CONTROL if you dont know. Anyway, The shift button holds many powers...One of them is Capitalizing letters. Which obviously you didnt master yet. Purdue university???, Try 2nd grade.

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.

O.K., you're smart. But you're in the wrong place with that attitude. Go somewhere that people care about your missplaced apathy.
i'm here for the summer, moron. st louis (frontenac) is home.

and i dont care to capitalize. just my style. get over it. get new material.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

i'm not here for you to care. i'm here to point out your flaws.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

Somebody should report this "gavin" guy and his pisspoor attitude to the park. I wouldn't want him working for me. He'll probably hide his info after this so here's his email address for anyone from park operations if they're interested: I hope you can figure out who he is and give him a little attitude adjustment.

gavin said:
a) i work at cp

b) everybody who works at cp makes plenty of jokes about people like all of you

c) my writing style is perfectly fine. what about it do you not like?

d) prevailing southwest winds are not the case. it is the canadian maritime winds that move down from canada across lake erie. if the dragster went up on the left side and came down on the right side, it wouldn't be a problem. but the coriolis effect will slow the car down as it comes into the wind. also you are not taking into account that the peninsula that cedar point sits on is not facing north/south. it faces northwest and is also therefore directly influenced by winds out of the southwest. hope this answers your question, sincerely yours, atmospherical sciences major, purdue university.

my head hurts. my feet stink. i dont love jesus.

A) You live in Missouri. Unless you haven't changed your profile for a while or if you got an apartment out in Sandusky to stay in while you work at CP, get outta here.

B) Give me a break.

C) Did you learn to capitalize the first word of every sentence? And always capitalize the word "I"? And capitalize proper nouns? At least you punctuate.

D) Okay.......

And about your sig, I think you should ditch that for an obvious reason.

Closed topic.

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