I Have To Wonder... in a power outage

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Umm, there is no AC inside the Space Spiral cabin. Although from what I heard, they did open the doors durring the power outage last year to at least provide some fresh air for the people in there.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Jeff's avatar
No, not now, but there was at one time. Dave complains about it at least once a year!

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

ok so you send MF train around the course during the power outtage. But don't they have electronic brakes? Wow it would suck to go speeding into the station at 50 MPH...although Im sure that would never happen.

Go Cubs! White Sox Suck!

No worries about MF. The brakes are permanent magnets. They don't require power to slow a train.

Not to get off topic, but I've always wondered wether or not is is feasable/worthwhile to put AC in the Space Spiral cabin. There are many times during the middle of the summer when it's downright awful in there. I remember a day when the cabin thermometer read 105.

VertiGo rides: 32
"Hey, Cool. My voice is on the lift"

Well its not a mandatory thing to go on, so they prolly figure people will just not go on it if its 105 degrees in there, and if they do too bad.

Go Cubs! White Sox Suck!

Kyle, all roller coaster brakes need power to release the train, their default mode is stopping the train. This is why trains will stop on the MCBR if power goes out and MF is no different, the train will be stopped outside the unload station and they would probably have to unload there. It's much better than evacuating on that lift hill.


i think on anycoaster going up a lift and having to evacuate on a hill would be hard. i mean how do you stand up and not fall. i think about this wile going up on some tall coasters.
Jeff's avatar
I've walked down from a hyper after a chain break (Superman at Six Flags America). It's really not much of a big deal.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


I think that's the idea. An evac. from the final break run on MF can take all of 5 minutes (I've done it once, myself. I was all like 'woo' this is fun.) while doing an evac. on the lift would have to go one row at a time, each time having the bucket go up the lift.

Having a generator to jog all the trains through the blocks is the best idea for MF.

coolfun5688 said:
i mean how do you stand up and not fall. i think about this wile going up on some tall coasters.

Yeah I just randomly fall when going down stairs sometimes too.

Jason Hammond's avatar
I remember when they had ac in there. That's when there would actualy be a line for the Space Spiral. Now you hardly ever see anyone on it probably for that very reason... No AC. I say either bring back the AC to the Space spiral or give everyone who rides it a free cold beer. :)

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Jason Hammond's avatar
I've gotten stuck on only 2 rides with a lift hill before. Snake River Falls was my first. I was about ten and my mom convinced me not to wear my shoes. Well... when the ride got stuck at the top of the hill and they evac't us, we had to walk down the stairs, which are slip resistant, but not very comfortable to walk on in bare feet. The other ride i got stuck on was Zydeco Scream at a six flags in New Orleans. (like Mind Eraser) It was no big deal.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Big D said:

It wouldn't be that bad at all, PT has an auxillery tank in case of an emergency that would have enough air to bring the car down slowly. PT is probably one of the easiest rides to evac during a power outage.

That's good to know, because at least once a year i worry about getting stuck.

The only ride I've ever actually been on during a break down is Magnum, which was on the lift hill, and we only sat for about 15 minutes before things were up and running again. *** Edited 6/14/2004 2:32:59 AM UTC by PunkyPiko***

I really hate to bring back a topic, especially this old but I was just thinking about power outages on rides, and this thread explains most rides and the others are common sense but what happens on a ride like witches wheel? There arent even seat belts because it relies on centrifical force to hold you in. Even if it had enough momentum to keep spinning until a generator kicks in which is about 45 seconds wouldnt the ride come falling down or is there a brake to hold it up?

If anyone knows it would be interesting to know. Im just curious.

-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011

Gomez's avatar

Big D said:
PT is probably one of the easiest rides to evac during a power outage.

I always thought Midway Carousel would be. :)

Anyway, Witches' Wheel is held vertically by a hydraulic arm. If the power goes out the hydraulics will release and slowly come back down.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
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I should have thought of that but thanks.

-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

How would they get people down from the big wheel?

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Tuck and roll.

101 on Magnum and counting...

JuggaLotus's avatar

A giant hamster.

Goodbye MrScott


You always with the sarcasm ;)

I dont care but anyway to answer the question they probably use a cherry picker (greatest possibility) or they somehow crank it (least possibility) or a generator (middle)

Thoes are my thoughts.

-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011

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