Huge Disappointment

hight has northing to do with it. im 6.5 6.6 and i have been on ever ride there the ride thatis hardest for me is ccmr. did you even try raptor or just after ttd and mf you just were like no im not going to fit. i have neaver see any one get turned away. i mean that really sucks that you did not get to ride it. but im sure you could of got on some orther stuff.

Jeff said:
Nonsense. Consumers don't pay Intamin.

I'm not saying don't write to Cedar Point. I'm just saying that most of the anger over the issue is rightfully directed towards Intamin, and writing to them can be productive as well. If the people at Intamin know how to run a business, they will be concerned with the satisfaction of the end consumers. If consumers aren't happy with their products, then amusment parks will be less willing to buy them.

raptorqueen's avatar

FrontierDale said:

That may be true, but the blame still lies with Intamin and their pointless overreaction to the Superman death. At least the brunt of the anger should be directed toward them. Could CP be doing more about it? Probably. But they can't be blamed for obeying the law. *** Edited 8/1/2005 3:46:19 AM UTC by FrontierDale***

Intamin is making sure each guest safely fits in the ride, overreaction? Maybe. I personally would rather be safe than sorry. And I am sure CP wants to prevent any serious accident from happening in the future. They are doing this for us. They are making sure we are safely in the ride without hurting us physically. So it hurts mentally cause you can't ride TTD or MF, only you have the power to change that.

Never once at CP have I doubted the ride hosts job or how they do their job. I know the rules at the park are to help me have a safe ride. And I always feel pretty safe when I ride a ride at CP.

Cedar Point, Americas rip- rockin', high flyin', sky defyin', record breakin' roller coast

Tony said:
I am confused on how people bring height as a problem on not being able to ride the coasters at the Point. I am 6'5" and have never had a problem riding anything do to my height. Especially Millennium Force!

Depends where the height lies. If your all legs then you might run out of room.

101 on Magnum and counting...

I'm sorry you had a bad experience but you're preaching to people who have taken time out of their lives to not only register, but to actively attend a fan website about how GOOD things are. ;)

FrontierDale said:
I'm not saying don't write to Cedar Point. I'm just saying that most of the anger over the issue is rightfully directed towards Intamin, and writing to them can be productive as well. If the people at Intamin know how to run a business, they will be concerned with the satisfaction of the end consumers. If consumers aren't happy with their products, then amusment parks will be less willing to buy them.

Yeah, the good folks at Intamin know how to run a business. All you have to do, as their head honcho said, is to arrive at an "acceptable number" of accidents. C'mon, they don't really care about your anger (or until recently even your safety, apparantly).

I think Intamin are only likely to respond to the problem when their customers stop buying their products. While CF and SFI and others keep buying defective rides (quick list: SROS @ SFNE, TTD, KK, plus a couple of water rides with launch problems ;), and the latest California Screaming thing), I think Intamin couldn't give a damn if Joe Public moans at them.

At some point some park's insurance company is going to decide that Intamin's "acceptable number" is actually not acceptable.

IMHO the current seatbelt issue is probably because Intamin have recently discovered that the "acceptable number" is in fact zero. Regrettably, it is likely that the parks themselves put pressure on Intamin to fix the ejector issues, and now we have a supposedly super-safe seatbelt which many people can't fit into.

I'll leave it to Rideman to talk about whether the new seatbelt system really is safer or not... :) Pull up a chair, everyone, and please welcome him to the podium.

I don't think complaining to Intamin will make a difference. Intamin already made their money for TTD and MF. Yelling at CP might help - they rely on Joe & Jill Public to show up, pay admission, and spend money. When Joe & Jill go home and says "That sucked", their friends are less likely to visit CP.

Luckily, CP are fairly good at listening to their guests and doing their best to keep everyone happy. If the wails are loud enough, it's not out of the realms of plausibility that they may even go so far as to pay Intamin to retro-fit some deeper seats (or whatever) onto MF and TTD to fix the problem.

Expecting that Intamin are going to fix the issue out of the goodness of their hearts is science fiction, no matter how loud the wails.


Jeff said:
Nonsense. Consumers don't pay Intamin.

Race for the Fry said:
The person who was ejected from Superman did so because he was too big for the T bar restraint to work correctly.

No, the guy was ejected because the people running the ride were morons, and the people maintaining the ride put seat belts on it that were ridiculous in length. Read the report. It's online.

I know if he was secured right he wouldn't have gone out. I mean to say thats their logic behind it, based on the idea of the T bar failing.

Panman said:
[Expecting that Intamin are going to fix the issue out of the goodness of their hearts is science fiction, no matter how loud the wails.

It really has nothing to do with the goodness of their heart. It's just good business. Many businesses fall into the trap of being too production oriented and not caring what consumers want. What generally happens then is, competitors come along who are focused on satisfying customers, and the production-oriented business starts losing their customers. If this is how Intamin runs their business, they run the risk of the same thing happening to them. Manufacturers are no exception to this rule, just because they don't sell directly to the end user (the amusement park guest, in this case).

But, if Intamin truly doesn't care, I suppose the only thing to do is to write to Cedar Point and hope they can influence them. *** Edited 8/2/2005 2:28:11 AM UTC by FrontierDale***

Jeff said:
What crawled up your ass, John? I don't doubt that ride operators were unkind to him. It happens all of the time. I'm sorry, but if you fit in the test seat, they gotta let you ride. This apparently happens all of the time, and it's not cool.

I fit in ever test seat, but when it come to the seats on the ride its self its a losing battle. Sh*t, might aswell get your fun riding Jr.Gemni or Woodstock. They have seat belts that fit better then TTD and Millie.
*** Edited 8/2/2005 6:00:19 AM UTC by MF_Man***

CP4eva'04 said:

Tony said:
I am confused on how people bring height as a problem on not being able to ride the coasters at the Point. I am 6'5" and have never had a problem riding anything do to my height. Especially Millennium Force!

Depends where the height lies. If your all legs then you might run out of room.

I do not have short legs.

MF Circuits=3,011(272)

Okay, but not everyone is like you at your height. Being tall on the body can stink on rides such as maXair, and having long legs can stink on rides like Magnum. It just depends how your body is made up.

-S. Eagle

Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

Pete's avatar

With CP being very strict on the seat belt slack issue, I found this picture very interesting. This is a recent picture of Expedition GeForce at Holiday Park in Europe. Notice the seat belts. Apparently not all parks have to follow the strict rules.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Walt's avatar

I always wondered why Cedar Point seems to be the only park with this Intamin enforced rule.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Isn't it because of Ohio state law, Walt?


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

JuggaLotus's avatar

I can't imagine that Ohio is the only state/country with that kind of a requirement on their rides.

And are those belts even buckled? It doesnt' even look like they were fastened to anything.

Goodbye MrScott


Walt's avatar

Could be. Maybe other states allow parks to ignore the manufacturer's suggestions or requirements. It'd be interesting to hear if Intamin has told other parks with similar rides to have a restricting seat belt rule. I don't really know.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

raptorqueen's avatar

Whomever did the thread "I emailed Intamin" ought to send them that photo Pete and then a copy of these slack policy rules that are being "enforced". That picture can mean "a thousand words". I can see a can of worms opening up! LOL

Cedar Point, Americas rip- rockin', high flyin', sky defyin', record breakin' roller coast

You know? I hear a lot about height here... I'm 6'3 and 165 lbs... I have absolutely no problem with the seat-belt issue... I do have a problem with the legroom issue. The major places I only have problems on is Corkscrew, Wildcat, Iron Dragon, Mean Streak, Blue Streak, Gemini, and occasionally Magnum.


Cross your legs at your ankles... it'll bring your knees out slightly, and allow a little bit more room!! Works for me!

On the "I emailed Intamin" thing... Send them pictures, as well as all these threads that have been posted about the problems with Intamin. Nothing like 200000 pieces of information showing Intamin that they're doing something that's annoying people. Kinda like signing a petition to get a law changed!!!

I'd recommend everyone e-mail Intamin, but they'd probably just close the e-mail box once it got to so many e-mails! lol.

As far as I'm concerned, CP is the safest park I've ever been to. What other park can claim that they haven't had a fatality due to ride operator negligence or ride failure??? Definately not Six Flags or Disney!!!

I believe that CP is looking out for us a little bit much (especially the seat-belts on Corkscrew LOL!!) but at least someone in the amusment industry is! Someone's gotta keep the Touring Morons safe from themselves!

I think that if CP really finds it unnecessesary for these rules to stand, they would remove them... Maybe CP is TESTING out the rules to see if it does in fact make the ride safer or not...

As for the 1/2 inch slack. Maybe they're not trying to put AS MUCH strain on the seat-belt locks as they have had... that 1/2 inch gives a little bit of travel if you were to put your whole body weight against it, instead of relying on the locking mechanisms of the belt system to hold you in... Especially if your "largeness" pushes down in G FORCES!!! This is just another way for them to protect the riders from lock failure.

I am 6'5" and fit into every ride at Cedar Point. Granted though, MF was a tight fit and I barely got the slack that was required. I fit fine in Wicked Twister and that was the ride that ride had me more worried than the others since I am tall and not wide.

I am too tall to ride Delirium at PKI by an inch, although on Media day they had no problems letting me ride. A first happened on Flight of Fear; I could barely get the restraint over my legs. I needed help from the operator to get me in; first time ever. I've fit comfortable every other time.

My question is why don't designers design these rides for bigger people. I was so thrilled to get on IJST and realize how much leg room there was, only to be disappointed by Premier's feet restraints. If this keeps going; many people won't even visit the theme parks. No one wants to have to go and worry about if they'll fit on the rides or not. Especially in America; we are the most overweight nation in the world; and it doesn't even only effect the larger folk.

Michael, I want to make a couple comments about your post.

First of all, would it make the rides unsafe if the belts were an inch longer?

Second,I cant ride the millennium or the Dragster for the same reason.I just dont fir into those short belted seats.All of the other coasters are no problem as are all of the other rides such as the Demon Drop or the maxAir.

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