Blue train always wins. . . . .Unless the red train cheats!
Eh, well maybe I suppose I can't.....
Aww.....Florida! But That's America's Wang
I'll be picking your brains on tips such as where to stay etc soon so get those thinking caps on.
Best wishes Nick
Soil myself? Nah, never. I may crap my pants on this thing, but I'd never soil myself.
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
From the Netherland's (third time)
Coasters, coasters and coasters
I heard that it lasted 30 seconds...
10 hr drive for a 15 second ride...still worth it!
MF Rides: 23
WT Rides: 5
Magnum Rides: Over 100
Dragster Rides: Hopefully a Lot...
"Will all those who expressed disappointment at the new ride please leave the park now"
Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335
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