How did you come across this site?

I first came across it while browsing through the Links section on Thrillride, I just went through and clicked on all the CP realted sites, and this one was the best out there. I first only checked back to see if there were any updates to the news section, than started reading/participating in the forums. I guess Thrillride is good for something.
i found this on a cedar point search therw yahoo. there were some other ones also but i agree with bill this one is the best!
I also found this site doing a search for Cedar Point. I agree that it is the best. Jeff does have great talent and he doesn't let too much get out of hand.The majority of people that post here seem pretty good too :)
I found this site while reading the newsgroup rec.roller-coaster

The Samurai has spoken.
my boyfriend found it completely by accident while looking for RCT stuff...don't know how, don't wanna know. just know i love it!! YAY JEFF :)!!

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Jeff's avatar
Perhaps because most of the RCT sites plugged the Chris Sawyer interviews?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I was searching for information on CP the day before I went, and I found this.
I was looking at Cedar Point pictures on a site and went to the links section. All I have to say is that I am very glad that I found this site.
maybe, Jeff, but i think it had something to do with MF because it was right after they announced it and he had downlaoded a crude MF track for the game...i'll have to ask him when he gets back from his business i'm curious and i want to see if he remembers...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
I actually found it near its very beginning searching for proof that the Magnum-sinking rumor wasn't true.
Needless to say, I found my answer!

I was in a CP craze back when I was reading RRC in 1998. I found a link to GTP and CPP and found nice people who knew alot about CP

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
52 days until "The Force
After the end of last year i was looking for CP pictures through a search and found the unofficial cedar point page with pictures etc... And as some may know I have become hooked on the bulliten board. Oh yeah those pictures are great. Anytime I want to know something about CP i come here. It is somewhere on this Bulliten board, (or I will ask) Great job Jeff. :)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Hooper, that is EXACTLY how I found this site.
You know, Hooper, that's my story too! Go fig...
Jeff, (screechnowl) my brother-in-law showed me this site, when I was spending the night at his and my sisters house one time. So i sent myself the url thru e-mail...and got hooked.
When the link first appeared on ThrillRide!'s Links I checked it out... Not til recently though did I start posting here... I was always too shy to post something.. ohwell things have changed... keep up the awesome work Jeff! When someone wants CP info, this is the place to go!!

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!!"
Corey *** This post was edited by rOLLocoASt on 3/22/2000. ***
Husband found it searching for dates when CP opened and came across a link for this place!! Now we are home! lol

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Jeff's avatar
I'm glad everyone doesn't think I'm a big jerk. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough... ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Yahoo Search on "Cedar Point".
Found the site when it was very new.

Timothy A. Bretz
"Remember to pillage before you burn"

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