hotel rooms and saturday crowds?

What is going on at CP this weekend? I tried to get a room at the park Saturday night via the computer and ALL the rooms at the park are sold out including the Radisson. You can get a room Friday but not Sat. I then checked the two Holiday Inns in Sandusky and they are sold out. in all my years of going to CP I have always been able to get a room even if it was 200+ at the breakers. Is something going on or is it actually going to be that crowded Sat. night for halloweekend?
Nothing is going on this weekend, but the weather is supposed to be good.

I was hoping that it wouldn't be too crowded, because this weekend will probably be my last CP trip this year and I wanted short lines. I managed to get a room at BE, but we booked it a while ago. Have you tried one of the cheaper motels in downtown Sandusky? Last Halloweekends I stayed in Econo Lodge right by the causeway.

Millennium Force is MY baby.
Where would we be without CP?:)

I am thinking of doing that but i like to stay in the park hotels to get the early entry for TTD and Milli. I will see how the kids feel and maybe call CP tonight or tomm. to see if anybody cancelled. Hope you have a great time there.
Well, the fact that Monday is Columbus Day and the kids have school off and some people have the day off from work and the weather is supposed to be nice, I think we can expect to see a large crowd on Saturday. :(
I would actually call reservations and see if there is something, sometimes there is when you call.

Hotel Breakers Desk staff - 2002
Only a few more weekends left at the Breakers - 2003 :(
Finally a shoeless Raptor rider! :)

We have decided to try next weekend as the thought of every room at CP being booked and the local hotels full has scared me away. last year on a Sat. at halloweekend was the largest crowd I have ever experienced at the park. I actually saw the mean streak queue all the way back to the metal queue poles! Every time I have been to CP in the past 4 years MS is always close to a walk on. MF310, please let me know how the lines were Sat. and Sunday if you are there. I may try friday and Sat. or Sat. and Sunday. Thanks for the help.
Coming home from the SBC cross country meet (which Edison dominated :)) traffic was stopped and lined up for a good couple miles down 2 and 250. I thought that an accident might've been the reason, because this is the worse I've seen it all summer. I was planning on going tonight, but I may reconsider...

HW 2K3: 3

*** This post was edited by mantis_man 10/11/2003 3:30:58 PM ***
*** This post was edited by mantis_man 10/11/2003 10:39:03 PM ***

I went to Cedar Point at around 4, and the causeway was backed up about 30 cars, and then when i got up to the gate, there was no place to park, everyone was parked in the grass behind the parking lot, so i decided to leave.

Cedar Point is my second home. Dave

I know last night the crowds were unusually large for a Halloweekends Friday. Someone on a ride case said it was because of some 2 for 1 deal.

Anyone hear of this 2 for 1 deal, or was the ride op full of ________?


EDIT: Can you guess the inside joke?
Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

New Profile Photo, now with Magnum Robert!
*** This post was edited by Avalanche Sam 10/11/2003 10:52:50 PM ***

I don't know what was up with Saturday. It was the most crowded I'd ever seen.
A number was given for this Saturday: 15,000*. I have never, ever seen Cedar Point as crowded as it was Saturday. When you are walking the midway literally shoulder to shoulder with other guests, and when every single parking space has a car in it, you know you've come on the wrong day.

The crowd level was dangerously high for the Fright Zone, and as a result traffic was one way the entire night. A major inconvience.

*Naw, wasn't sure if that was right or not. BirdOfPrey00, maybe that was it. :)
Boycott the RIAA
*** This post was edited by Anonymous 10/12/2003 1:26:47 PM ***

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
The two for one Friday deal does exist, the coupon is right on CP's website. I had two friends go on Friday, but haven't talked to them about it yet. I was telling them all about how rediculously short the lines were on Fridays, guess I was wrong.

-Chris Woodard
Friday, September 18th, 2003 at 10:10 PM. It finally happened. Rollback on Dragster in the front seat of the gold train!

Gemini's avatar
15,000 would indicate light crowds. The park averages around 23,000 a day through the operating season.

Walt Schmidt
Virtual Midway

Two weeks ago (Friday night) a ride op at Millennium Force told me there was probably around 5,000 people in the park at the max. Pretty good night.....

AKA Cobraroller on Cbuzz

Maybe 15000 more people than ever before?? I got just past the parking gates and turned around and left at around 6:pm. Traffic was at a stand still there.

Michael McCormack
Magnum Count: 913
"Is it raining nickels?"

Scott Cameron's avatar
Thats what I thought Walt, 15000 did sound pretty low.

CP2K3: Visits: 37 Dragster: 21 Rollbacks:0

BirdOfPrey, good thinking. Getting into the park was a challenge.

Boycott the RIAA

I guess all that traffic backed up wasn't due to an accident's still hard to believe that on a random day in October more people than even a crowded summer day decide to go to the park. Glad I didn't go...

HW 2K3: 3

I went this time last year, with similar weather, and the day generated similar crowds. There's something about Indian Summer that makes everyone within a four hour radius think "Better get to Cedar Point---last chance this year!"

It's not war, famine, or pestilence; it's only downtime.

So what does C.P. do when they run out of places to park? The main lot, the overflow (main lot) and Soak City lot were completely filled up and there was still a massive amount of people still trying to get in. Maybe next year C.P. will have to see about putting all those sailboats stored in the overflow lot somewhere else to help alleviate this potential problem from occurring again. Getting rid of those boats won't solve the problem, but would help to free up some more parking spaces. And also perhaps having more C.P. employees park off site and take the school bus they have running back & forth between the dorms and the peninsula.

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