Helpful Hints for 1st year peeps

Well it's getting near that time again when we'll all start heading back for another fun-filled summer, and I noticed there are a lot of first-year people reading this page. So I thought those of us who have been up there for a few years already should help out the newer peoples with some helpful hints and tips about what to bring, what to expect, etc. The kind of things that people never think to ask before they go, then wish they had when they got there. For example, if this is your first time away from home, bring something small that reminds you of home. Believe it or not, those first few weeks I've seen a LOT of people check out because they were homesick, plain and simple. Bringing along a momento might help until you're settled in. Other hints:

Meet as many people as possible, don't just hang with a little group the whole time.

Bring enough cash to survive on the first couple of weeks. You can get an emergency loan before you get your first paycheck but it's only $25 and it's a one time deal.

Remember: 1st impressions go a long way. Try not to piss off too many people your first day.

When a guest gets in your face (this is not a question of if a guest gets in your face, only WHEN ) don't take it personally. If you can't handle it then find someone who can and get away from it. There's NO shame in not wanting to get yelled at by a guest. I've seen too many people quit because a guest laid into them.




Park Op 2000, 2001, 2002
"Ghostbusters whaddya want?" - I've always wanted to say that over the phone. ;)

*** This post was edited by ParkOpJon on 3/20/2002. ***

Lee's advice for newbies...

Get some good, comfy shoes before you go and break them in. Otherwise, you may be suffering from sore feet at work. *ouch* If you don't do a lot of physical exercise, it would actually be a good idea to start walking on a regular basis before you go, especially if you have a job where you know you're going to be standing up all the time. (This isn't absolutely necessary for survival, but it might save you paying for a jar or two of IcyHot the first few weeks!)

Treat everyone you work with with respect, and leave your personal opinions, favorite derogatory sayings and stereotypes at home. CP is a VERY diverse place to work, and if you let your personal inhibitions get in the way, you could end up either making someone exceptionally offended, or just miss out on learning about someone who could actually turn out to be totally cool!

Bring a fan, and not one of those mini clip-on ones either. You can survive without air conditioning (I did all last summer, and was perfectly fine), but having a nice box fan in the corner can make all the difference in the world.

You don't have to drink beer till you puke and sleep with everyone in sight to fit in at, if those things aren't your style, don't worry about what some people on here talk about! There are plenty of people there, so you'll definitely find many friends who fit your own party style.

Keep a positive attitude at work, and be responsible about arriving on time, etc. If you have issues with something (for example, policy), talk to someone and ask questions so you can better understand.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN and take advantage of what CP offers you. Go to the park, go to ride nights, go on some trips, and have the best summer of your life!!! And then, like so many of us, come back next year ^_~


Group Sales ATL '01
Park Admissions TL '02
"What time is the snow going to stop?"

Great idea for a topic Jon. I wish I had this to look to before I started last season. :)

Ok here's my advice:

Don't be afraid to be afraid. The first 3 days are going to be some of the most whirlwind and terrifying. You are going to get hit with a lot of things to remember in a short time span. But don't fret too long. You will get the hang of it.

Be prepared for a culture shock. Lee was right about the diversity at CP. You are going to meet people that you never thought you'd ever encounter. If you come from a small town, it's going to be the biggest change of your life.

Don't be afraid to talk to your supervisors of managers. They may be your bosses, but their also there for you to turn to when you need to express concerns and questions about your job or CP in general.

Don't worry about making friends. There's plenty to go around.

Lastly, you have 2 choices on how you approach your first year. You can go in with a closed mind and only worry about yourself and your job. Or you can embrace this chance and run with it. Cedar Fair on a resume is eye catching. Not only that but what are you going to come away with at the end of your contract if you chose the first of the two?

Ok I'm coming down off my soap box now. :)


CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02
Game 1 of the CCHA Semifinals..Michigan-2 Ohio State-1 in sudden death overtime..GO BLUE!!!!

ParkOpJon said:

"Ghostbusters whaddya want?" - I've always wanted to say that over the phone.

"Where do these stairs go?"

Ah yes--helping the newbies.

1. Save your money, this has been a big problem for me, if your not used to all the sudden getting large paychecks and having wads of cash be careful...Meijers gets really inviting for buying tons of useless crap you'll never need, or like me, buying 4-5 movies a week at suncoast and blockbuster.

2. Try to eat healthy, it's very easy to get caught in the whole no breakfast, cheeseburger and fries for lunch, and fast food for dinner. I gained 15 pounds last summer, hahah the CP 15 :) I've spent the last 6 months working that all off, which is a lot tougher then gaining it, believe me.

3. As Lee said, be OPEN-MINDED, you will have gays, blacks, whites, reds, yellows, whatever in VERY close proximity to you, get used to it now. Wahtever you're pre-defined notions are of how your little world is, it's about to be blown wide apart. If you're comfortable with yourself, then you should be comfortable with others.

4. Don't be a dick, no better word, no one likes arrogant self-centered kids who dont work well with others, if this is you, don't come to CP. You are part of two teams, th overall CP one and your crew, your attitude reflects on your crew, you can be a blessing or a cancer, it's your choice. I had a cancer on my crew last year who crossed the line, he was fired within the hour, get it?

5. Bring fans, YES, big ones, small ones...we had 3 in our room, and their were a few nights i spent on the couch in 901 in the a/ gets wickedly hot in july and august.

6. Suntan lotion--lots of it, or as crazy as we were on paddlewheel last year, bring tanning lotion to get darker :) Either or....also bug repellent, it doesnt work against the gnats and mayflys you'll deal with, if you don't like bugs, start getting over that phobia now :)

7. Have fun--you can have fun at work, theres a fine line between having fun, and going overboard and I'm sure if you have the IQ of a half full pop can you'll figure it out, also for us team leaders, please don't be late, I drove my TL my first year up the wall some mornings, and CP doesnt really appreciate tardiness...I understand some rides are hard to get to, but just wake up earleir, if your hungover, be there on time anyway, and may I suggest some Alka-Seltzer Morning Relief (works like a charm)

8. Keep in mind that this is a job though, as much as you think its summer fun, we have peoples lives in our hands. I remember watching a video fo a raft flipping on a Thunder Canyon type ride in Texas and drowning 2 people, and sat there smugly thinking how safe cp is and it would never happen. Now I'm in charge of TC, what do you think is one of the major things im training my crew on? Rafts flipping, because it can happen, things can GO wrong, anywhere, take the training seriously, it may seem monotonous and boring, but its there for a reason.

9. Make friends, some of the people, I've met at CP are the greatest friends in my life. Remember it doesnt matter who you are, we all share a common bond, and I guarantee that if you think you won't make friends with anyone, you're wrong. Most people at CP are very accepting and friendly, but be careful of letting cliques start up, especailly on the rides, it can hurt the morale of your crew.

Finally 10. Keep in mind the CP employee emotional rollercoaster, you're right now in the anticipation phase (like going up the hill), you'll get there and IT'S GREAT! (going down the first hill) and then it goes lower as you realzie that it is hard work and not totally what you expected, now you have two choices, either dig in and accept that its not all bad, and you're doing ok and go up that last hill, or quit and leave...For you new guys and gals, dig in, this job is totally rewarding for the friends you'll make, the experiences you'll share, and you never know, you might even learn a little more about yourself along the way :)

Peace out!

"Captain" Nate
Paddlewheel crew 2000
Paddlewheel ATL 2001
Thunder Canyon TL 2002

OK, This seems like a good place to ask questions soooooooo......

1) Is there any nonsmoking areas of housing? Ill be in the commons dorms

2)Whats the deal with bringing alchohol in?

3)The first night Im there the park wont be open, so what is there to do BESIDES drink lol

4)Is 5/3 the only bank you can get direct deposit with?

5)Am I asking too many questions?

Thanks for the help. Peace

We who are truly brave, will never live in fear."
Challenge Park '02

MainChallengeMan said:

OK, This seems like a good place to ask questions soooooooo......

1) Is there any nonsmoking areas of housing? Ill be in the commons dorms have a choice on either smoking or non smoking...

2)Whats the deal with bringing alchohol in? Well of coarse u have to be 21 and only a 6 pack of beer or malt liquer is aloud

3)The first night Im there the park wont be open, so what is there to do BESIDES drink lol Well they got a rec center with pool tables, jukebox, workout area, tv food pluse alot of time to chat with friends

4)Is 5/3 the only bank you can get direct deposit with? Just 5/3 unless they started someihing differnet

5)Am I asking too many questions? Never :)

Thanks for the help. Peace

We who are truly brave, will never live in fear."
Challenge Park '02

Kelly the crazy coaster freak of cp
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
"Trumpy you can do stupid things...Its called evil kid"

Amen Nate.... its all about paying attention to training.. and doing it exactly the way you are showed.. is it showed or shown? In southern ohio here its showed... and newbies get ready to learn a whole other language.. between ride terms and the entirely different accents you get a new vocabulary.. And nothing is officail yet but i may jsut become the nxt lifer at the Point... Wll keep you posted i Knoweveryone is jsut sitting on pins and needles waiting to here :)

98 kiddy kingdom
99 TL O-mo and PP
01 TL dodgem 1 Triangle

Call me paranoid but I'm a little worried about the spiel! Do they give it to you before you start so you can memorize it? Do they make the newbies do it the first day you're there or do they let you do the other stuff for a couple days so you can get used to it by hearing the more experienced employees saying it?



Gemini Crew '02

*** This post was edited by Brent02 on 3/20/2002. ***

Everybody does the speil just because you are a newbie does not mean you are exscused from doing it in any way.But don't worry there are cards to read from and they tell you when to say what speil.And within a few weeks you will memorize all of your speils it may not even take you that long.

"I'm A Hamster,Now Thats Crazy."

Brent- I think which ride you are on, and when you arrive can affect when exactly you will start spieling. If you get there during training week (before the park is open daily) you will have the spiel in your ride manual, so you can look it over while you're at home, if you are really worried about it. If you work on a larger ride, with a bigger crew (Mantis, Raptor) or have a sympathetic TL/ATL (like me) you might be able to stall getting to spiels... if that makes sense. Don't stress over it though. Once you get the hang of it, and get comfortable you'll be fine. I hope that helped

'01 Disaster Transport ATL
'02 Mantis TL

Here's a couple of other things I thought of:

1. Your first week take a few walks around the park to get a feeling for where everything is. You will be asked constantly for directions by guests during the summer.

2. On a similar note, if you don't know where something is when you are asked, DON'T JUST GUESS! I've had too many people come in to complain that they'd been walking for over an hour to find a ride/a foodstand/some merchandise because the person who gave them directions didn't know where the place was. If you don't know, either find someone who does or apologize and say that you don't know. (preferably the first one)

3. Stick to the rules! If you're working a ride and a kid is under the height stand, even if it's by less than the width of a pubic hair, that child does not ride. Again, speaking as someone who hears this every day up there from angry parents whose child rode a ride one day then was denied an hour later by someone different on the same ride, it may be easier to let the kid on the ride and avoid the conflict, but sooner or later someone's gonna say no to that kid, and they're gonna have to deal with parents who don't understand why their child was allowed by one person and denied by another. If everyone follows and explains the rules and procedures (not just height requirements) then we'll get less complaints and keep our highest safety rating award.

4. There's no such thing as a stupid question. (this applies to questions you ask and questions that people ask you, with the exception of the ever popular "What time is the 10pm laser light show?" and "why doesn't the map have a 'you are here' spot on it?")

5. If you are prone to cussing, derogatory comments, spitting, belching, farting, etc, please get it out of your system before you come to work. Believe it or not, the guests CAN hear what you say when you're 'whispering'.

6. You will be drug tested when you first check in, and there's a chance for random drug tests throughout the summer. I saw several people fired before they even worked a day last summer from failing their drug tests. It's not worth the risk.

7. Going along with what Nate said above, if you're cashing all your checks, you ain't gonna save any money. Get a bank account when you get up there and USE IT! It's too easy to blow a weeks worth of pay in a couple of nights at the Dutch, Louies, Meijer, and Diana's Deli.

8. Calling in sick to work. If you're gonna call in sick, you'd really better be sick, because anybody that calls off sick is required to go to the first aid station that day to be checked out. If they say you can work, and you don't go, then you are counted as a no-show and you will get points for it. There are some days were none of us want to work, but that's life, suck it up and deal with it.

9. Even though this is explained to you in training, I'm gonna say it now because it happens every year: You cannot ride rides, smoke, eat, or drink on the midway if you are in uniform and the park is open. Period.

10. This one is my pet peeve (and one of Marcia's too). Park Op is not a chat room, or a place to hang out. There's a limited amount of space in there and if there are 10 guests trying to get in for whatever reason and 5 employees just chatting then it gets very loud in there and difficult to hear, not to mention difficult to move. Please, if you have no business in Park Op, wait outside. Of course this only really applies when the park is open. First thing in the morning when keys are picked up, stay as long as you like. I'll even put a pot of coffee on. Just realize that if we can't hear a guest's complaint because of a bunch of chatter, that guest is gonna get more pissed off.

Think that about covers it for now.

Oh, one more thing. New people: Please don't get scared or worried about the things you read on this topic. These are merely helpful hints to make your first summer a little easier, that's all. You're gonna have a blast this summer, trust me!

Park Op 2000, 2001, 2002
"Ghostbusters whaddya want?" - I've always wanted to do that on the phone.

*** This post was edited by ParkOpJon on 3/21/2002. ***

Oh Jon you love us comming into the office and harassing you hehehehe.....I remember bringing a red bucket full of coins to you guys oh my the looks on your guys faces.

Kelly the crazy coaster freak of cp
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
"Trumpy you can do stupid things...Its called evil kid"

Now Jon, was that Pumpkin in Park Op last year your doing or Brandons.... You know, the one with all the pencils stuck in it.


Viva La Tractor Derby

Kelly - I forgot all about the bucket o' change until just now. I spent 30 minutes in the bathroom rinsing all the crap off that change because Eddy hated when we put nasty coins in the kids change fund! LiveEJon - Brandon was responsible for the pumpkin, I never touched it, honest. ;). (Ok, so maybe once or twice I accidentally tripped with a pencil in my hand and it just happened to lodge in the pumpkin, but that was all. :) )


Park Op 2000, 2001, 2002
"Ghostbusters whaddya want?" - I've always wanted to do that on the phone. :)

A few questions from a possible new comer! I am hoping to join the CP crew next year (2003), however I have few questions that I hope you can answer. First of all...what about cars? Can you have them? Also, when you are assigned a job, you are on that job for the entire season, correct? You don't alternate jobs throughout the season, right? Finally, I am attending college right now, and I don't get out of classes til the first week in May and then I start back up the last week in August. Are you obligated to stay a certain length of time? And would it be best if I came down early to reserve a room if I wasn't going to be able to actually start working til the middle of May, or are you only allowed to do that when you check in? Is that making sense, I hope so! Anyway...right now, I am really looking forward to possibly joining the CP team (if thats what its called) and meeting and working with some of you! You seem like some really cool people to work and spend a summer with!
In response to your questions:
1. Yes you can have cars.
2. You are allowed to change jobs during the season if your manager is ok with it and another department is hiring. (ex move from rides to foods) However if you're happy with your job then you'll stay where you are.
3. The further into the season you can work, the better your chances of being hired. Most people have the same availability you do, which leaves CP short staffed once school starts back up. If you are hired you are given a contract with your start and end dates which you are obligated to fulfill in order to get your bonus.
4. You can't reserve a room until you move in, and you can't do that until you check in.

Hope this helps


Park Op 2000, 2001, 2002
"Ghostbusters whaddya want?" - I've always wanted to do that on the phone. :)

Wow...usually I'm all about giving advise, but I guess I've been lax.

I totally agree with Jon and Nate. Put you money in the bank. I did that and I actually walked out with quite a bit of money for school.

Don't worry about spending every waking moment of your day off at the park. You will soon grow tiard of it. Not out of love with the place, just tiard of it.

Get to know your crew. I think Dana said it best at the Christmas party, "You work with these people, you live with these people, you party with these people, when your away for a long time, you remember how you can't live without them." I know this sounds funny, but you will be spending a lot of time with your crew and just about everyone else in the park. Your crew will be your new family. They were to me.

Bring towels and sheets. When I started they told us that they offered towels and sheets, I don't know if their still saying that, but the towels are the size of glorified wash cloths and the sheets are just basic white flat sheets. Which get really annoying in the hot nights of summer when they keep sliding off.

Don't be insulted by guests. They don't know that you've been working your bum off all summer and that thier stupid whiny complaints, and thier stupid jokes are just that, stupid. Take everything in stride and RELAX.

Accept people for who they are. Don't try to change anyone, and for the love of everything sacred...DO NOT JUDGE ANYONE! If you come in with a negative opinion, YOU will be the one who will have a bad summer.

Stay home from Louies/The Dutch every once in a while, for your liver's sake.

Have fun. That's what its all about. Cedar Point is an amusement park. AMUSEMENT. Fun. Your working at one of the best places in the world, and definately one of the best amusement parks, so have fun with it.

Gemini 2001
Live E: Hooray for Hollywood 2002

"I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off when we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating. And not a little bit scary."

If you work on a larger ride, with a bigger crew.

I'm a bit insulted by that DTRobin. Gemini is not only the most popluar ride in the park, but it is also a double coaster which means we need twice the crew, even though we tend to only work with half of what the "big rides" have. Not to mention the people actually ride our ride 100 times in one day.

Gemini 2001
Live E: Hooray for Hollywood 2002

"I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off when we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating. And not a little bit scary."


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I meant a larger ride as compared to circulars (where you have to work alone). What I was getting at is the more people there are on the crew, the longer it will take to get to that spieling position again. I hope that makes sense, and again, I didn't mean to offend anyone! ~Robin

'01 Disaster Transport ATL
'02 Mantis TL

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