Height Restrictions?

Anybody know how tall you have to be to ride MF? Or are they waiting till the testing is totally complete?
Last i saw i was still TBA, but if i had to guess i would say 48"
Thanks Wagon. That would be so awesome if it was 48". Because my daughter is just over 48" now and she can go on everything except Raptor, Mantis, and Power Tower. I'd have to warm her up for MF by having her ride the Magnum! Which she has never been on! Lol!!!!!!!
Ouch Magnum a warm up ride, how many people were saying that last year.

I really say 48" because there arent any loops like Mantis and Raptor. But i really have nothing else to back that up with except the magnum is 48" too.
There is speculation that the height requirement will be 52inches.
Jeff's avatar
It won't likely be 48"... or so "they" say.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I'm just happy I'm tall enough! But at the same time I am excited for her, that she can now experience so many great rides at CP. In all reality we will have to warm her up for the Magnum which she is understandably, pretty nervous about. It's gonna be a great summer!
Here we go again...

At COSI, the speculation was 54". This was before any biodynamics testing had been done. I have not heard anything about that phase of the testing yet, and until it is done and the results discussed by a committee, I don't think the requirement will be set.

For the moment, the ride height requirement is TBA.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
The official site says 54.
where does it say 54

let me off here!!!! :) hey i finnally learned how to do it

it says it at the top of many of the MF pages, including the webcam page.
It is also listed that way with all of the other ride restriction pages.
It says it right here
jeff, maybe NOW people will start to believe you!
Not to sound like a broken record, and im sorry if this is being announced by COSI and im not their to hear it, but does anyone know what determines the height restictions for this ride?

Does a 54" body stand a better chance with less injuries then a 48" body?

Thanks for clearing up the 54" though, i really was only basing it on the other rides of similar nature in the park like the magnum (yes i know nothing is really similiar to this)
(Where did my message go??? Tip for Netscape users: DO NOT resize your browser window while typing a message!)

There are two major issues when deciding on a height requirement.

The first is geometric. You can work out the proportions of a human body and figure out where the center of gravity and where the joints are going to be based on a person's height. That information can be used to insure that people in a certain range of sizes can be accommodated. One of the difficulties is the broad range of sizes that people come in; using a higher minimum height requirement reduces the variation since most people do not get to be much taller than about 78". Personally, I think this is more of an issue for rides that have shoulder bars than for rides that use lap bars, but there may be a girth issue as well on MF; also there may be some concern with the position of the headrest and making certain that the rider's head does not end up in the gap at the top of the seat.

Of course, the other issue is maturity, in that a young child is more likely to panic and do something stupid than an older person (12YO vs. 8YO, for instance). I'm not sure that I agree with that assessment either, as I have seen adults do some stupid things as well.

So CP has finally announced the restriction at 54". I'm sorry to hear that. The announcement was just added to the web page today, and it suggests to me that the construction diary entries are about two testing stages behind reality. I wonder if this means the return of the Tweener ticket, now that there are *four* rides that the 48"-52" (three for the 52"-53" crowd) cannot ride.

--Dave Althoff, Jr. *** This post was edited by RideMan on 4/10/2000. ***
My opinion on height restrictions is that small people might fall out. It is not necessarily because they are short but because they are skinny. I took my little sister on the Magnum last summer, BIG MISTAKE! She was about 50" at the time, but weighed between 40 and 45 pounds. I remember her holding on so she could stay in her seat and myself holding her in. The lap bar didn't go down quite far enough for her tiny frame to be securely held in place. The picture was really funny though... she was gripping on, I was holding her, and you could almost see her knees. So, I would have to say that the security issue is not with the height issue but with the frame of the child's body. I also agree with the maturity issue, some people will freak out when they reach the top of the first hill being that it is over 300' in the air. I think it is safer that we just don't let the real young ones on, that way only half as many people will panic. :)

Sorry about the error, I know she was two inches taller than the pole when they measured her... I just forgot that you had to be 48" to ride. I guess she is more of a twig than I thought!!! Don't we all wish we could eat non-stop and not gain an ounce...

2000 Millennium Force Ride Operator!!!

*** This post was edited by Sad Smiles on 4/10/2000. ***

*** This post was edited by Sad Smiles on 4/10/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Sad Smiles on 4/10/2000. ***
No there will not be a Tweener ticket for 2000.
I feel the height at 54 inches is twofold. One, CP is VERY conservative when it comes to safty. They will ALWAYS error on the side of caution as well as they should.
Second, this is also a form of crowd control. Six inches may not seem like alot,but it will keep a segment of the crowd away from the ride.
We were always told in training that height requirements were determined by the average height for someone of a certain age. Meaning that if it's determined that a person would have to be at least twelve to have the muscle strength to hang on or not get their neck snaped, they would assign the appropriate height requirement (e.g. a typical 12 year old is at least 48" tall). The height is used because checking for age is simply not realistic. Thats why an under-height 18+ year old can still ride most of the rides as long as they get a blue( or whatever color they're using now) slip from guest relations at the front of the park. But there are some rides that have additional restrictions (i.e. a person must have a fully-formed torso of a certain size to ride Corkscrew). CP was probably looking at the intensity of MF and decided it would take a more physically mature person to ride safely, thus the 54".
Just my $.02
Thanks for the details guys, very informative.
Shannon? Who let a 44" kid on Magnum? Your little sister had to have been 48" for them to allow her on. I hope so, anyway.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

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