I thought it was the law to ride with your hands up. It is the only way I ride.
All the way up, ESPECIALY on Gemini. People always duck at the headchopers, I keep my hands up, the whole effect is magnified.
I even have them up on first rides. MF, Opening day, right when the train started to move...HANDS WENT UP, the whole train too, it was awsome.
If she weighs as much as a duck, she's made of wood, and therefore a witch.
I, offhand, can think of three I haven't ridden hands up on.
1. Tig'rr @ Indiana Beach.
- There are no restraints, airtime, and insanely close supports. I valued my life.
2. Big Dipper @ Indiana Beach.
- close supports at the top.
3. Disaster Transport
- It never occured to me, actually.
Most coasters I do, except on the first drops of MF, Magnum, Mean Streak. But Gemini, Blue Streak, Mine Ride, I keep my hands up the whole ride.
~Eric L.~
If I am riding once, hands up. No matter what the ride.
But, if a park is not busy, I love to marathon ride like crazy. And when I marathon, I am talking 30, 40, 50 laps in a row, i will do different things.
Eyes closed, totally relaxed.
Scared straight.
Look off to the side.
It just depends.
Hands up all the way! My first ride on MF was hands up. I deciding to ride with my hands up since the summer of 1999. And frankly, I like the illusion or your hands hitting the supports.
Of course you all had your hands up the first time on MF. As did I. In fact, MF is what really got me to keep my hands up all the time.
It almost seems like you "have to" keep your hands up on MF with the smoothness and all. Don't you think so? Plus, everyone who I take on MF for the first time always say "how could you keep your hands up down that drop" and stuff. And then they go on, and up go those arms!
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9
Chris Grant -Representin' Motown
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 11/27/2000. ***
I heard it's the one of the most dangerous things to do on a coaster
Feel the Force!
HANDS UP. Unless I get bored and tired of a ride and have to put them down. The only thing I will not do is reach out (sideways)on the Mean Streak buecuase I think you can loose a hand. The only thing that is a mytsery to me is the Gemini. On The blue track On hill going down right before the final turn back to the station (were the red had the inside)does anyone know how much clearence is actually their? Most people duck but I keep my hands up and almost jump out of seat to reach the crossbeam and I obvioulsy dont hit it. I just wonder how close I am to loosing a finger.
Joe E
The Millennium Force Makes Me High
Ok, contrary to popular opinion, I find a roller coaster more thrilling if I HANG ON!!!! I don't do it becuase I'm scared, I just enjoy th ride more if I hold on. You can feel the ride's curves and drops more if you are a "part" of the ride.
TRY IT! Seriously, I've tried the hands up thing, and it's not all it's cracked up to be.
Oh, and that MF drop feels ten times steeper if you hang on!
I reached out on The Beast, and I got some splinters in my fingers.
Just remember that you should stop accidents before they stop you! :)
Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:67
Yeah, I just couldn't help myself. I just wanted to take a couple (painful) souvenirs with me. :)