Gum Trees

I hate gum trees that are ina lot of lines at Cedar Point , and i bet the employess hate them too. So if you are one of the many people who put your gum on poles pleace stop.
It is sick and hard to clean up......also carving names on the cp property is a sight for sore eyes

Wagons Supervisor 2000
Will May 6th ever arrive?????
When I first read this I thought it was referring to the Sweetgum Tree! The only reason could think of as to why somebody would hate them is because they make a seed pod with hard pointy spikes on them! I don;t even think there are any sweetgums in the line areas. Anyway, yes, Gum stuck on things is one of my pet peeves along with carving of initials. Make a no tolerance policy and eject such people without a refund.
Cedar Point really doesn't have a big problem with gum trees. In fact I have seen very few in the lines. But I have seen alot of them in other parks. Alot of my freinds that go to other parks say that CP's problem with them is miniscule compared to some other parks. Just remember that CP is one of the cleanest parks in the US, and gum trees are a rare occurance.

Monster Ride Host
2nd Year
i,ll have to disagre with bryan(sorry)but the worst is going up the steps for the corkscrew,look to your left while walking up-you will see what i mean.

im losing control im losing controll
This may be sick, but every time Im at CP and see a gum tree I always use a key or somthing that I have with me to remove alot of it. Its not really hard, but after its been there for a while it does get a little hard to pry off.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
*** This post was edited by coast on 4/29/2000. ***
How about the Gumsign in the magnum line please keep all glasses.....(forgot what the rest says). except there are usually a few letters missing from glas... nevermind. ;)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
And of course, there's probably the most infamous gum depository of all...the gum roof on the right when climbing the steps to Raptor's boarding station. Talk about a nightly hosing!
-Dave Kochman
Its awfull how people treat the park that goes out of its way for the guests. I think its time to start caring for the park in general and not just the thrills we all get there. Start taking some pride in this wonderful park which is a historic icon!

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
Doesn't anybody remember the long hallway leading up to the Mean Streak's loading platform? That has always been a problem area for discarded gum.

Of course I just realized that MS isn't a very popular ride unless you're in the chiropractic business and is understandable why it was overlooked.
And those that add insult to injury- pressing coins into the aformentioned gum, most notably the Mean Streak hallway.

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
I've noticed in the past that Raptor has lots of gum while you go up the steps. Not to mention there were a bunch of stickers as well.

good observation jake i was just about to say the same thing. I just think teenagers must think it is cool to disregard rules of a park and do what they please for vandalisim. Atleast kids but there gum where you can see it adults ALWAYS drop food and garbage on the ground and then don't pick it up. I have picked up litter before cause yeah the sweepers get paid but they shouldn't get paid for someones lazyness. Soo how aobut we all lend a hand or a key as coast uses and help keep our beautiful cp clean.
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Another thing about Mean Streak is it can not be cleaned without taking chunks of wood with it. It really is a shame people don't see those garbages every couple of steps.
Jeff's avatar
Let's not start ragging on teens... we were all teenagers at one point. As much as you'd like to think they've changed, they haven't; You've just grown older.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I'd have to say that Magnum have the cleanist line. I think this is in large part because of the DJ.

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
the worst gum lines i have seen are at sfo. the log ride has probably three layers all over. the double loop is also very bad. i know you people might think i am wierd for saying this, but i kinda like the gum. it kind of adds to the theme park atmosphere. and i being a teenager myself can say no, I have never put gum on walls or have done any kind of vandalization to parks
"We ain't got no place to go, so lets go to the PUNK rawk show", MxPx's Punk Rawk
Im 15 years old, and I dont put my gum on the walls, I remove it.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
I never saw anything cool about putting gum everywhere when I was a teen
Went to visit some of my friends at cp yesterday just to find out that they rode MF 3 hours before I got there :(
When going up the stairs to Magnum, you can also notice CP's simple solution to the gum problem. This used to a high traffic "gum area" , but CP has installed simple laminated boards over the stuccoed (sp?) station. This has turned into quite a topic--heheh. Reminds me of the old favorite water fountain topic.
-Dave Kochman

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