Boo hoo, I'm getting all weepy.
Enough of this mushy crap. Dan, you're expected at the Red Garter at 6:00 pm on Father's Day. End of discussion. See you then.
Duane Cahill
Drink Milk. Goto Cedar point. Love Life.
MF count: 26
It was fun planning out the Gemini 100 with you last year. I think you were always more excited about it than I was, and it's a good thing you were and were able to take the reigns and see it through. I feel bad for not making it and missing the chance to meet you. You're one of the people who's messages I always respected and looked forward to reading on here. Doesn't seem real that you of all people are saying goodbye to this place. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, I suppose. I'll chew a wad of gum for you on the Magnum when I visit this year.
Nobody tosses a Dwarf!!!
Thanks for the memories and all the great times we've had. It's not going to be the same on Magnum with you not there. I wish you the best!!!
My turn...
Dan it was great to know someone that was crazier than me about riding coasters. I too will miss seeing you on the platform convincing the GP that Hooper was the one on the Discovery Channel. Take care and maybe someday we'll see you again on GTTP and the Point.
"Proud to be Arrow DYNAMIC!"
*** This post was edited by Robodud 5/18/2002 1:32:49 PM ***
Magnum and no Dan! It just won't be the same. Thanks for the good times we shared, keep in touch, and best of luck in your future plans. You will be missed.
00 MF Circuts=50
01 MF Circuts=124
02 MF Circuts=4
-Chris Woodard
"Thank you for replacing Mean Streak's square wheels with round ones."
VertiGo: VertiGone but not forgotten.
Real class right there.
[edit]It was the last two. Apparently the poster realized how much of an*****he was...[/edit]
*** This post was edited by CP_bound 5/19/2002 1:30:51 AM ***
Take care, man!
#1 Steel -- Nitro
#1 Wood -- Legend
Track Record -- 347
You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
I will surely miss Dan as well. My trips are cut back as well this year. So,with the both of us gone most of time,ride-ops won't know what to do! :)
I was wondering if that's what it was. Good luck with that Dan. My limited experience has been that women try to change you and still screw you (not in a good way) in the long run. But not everyone can be like that I'm sure. Hopefully you've found the right one. :) Good luck with whatever you're doing and I hope to see you at the park again someday. It was fun finding single seats for you last year and riding with you a few times too.
I can't believe he is leaving us for a woman....
2001 Magnum Crew
*** This post was edited by MDOmnis 5/19/2002 11:10:27 AM ***
Fear the Mullet!
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
Fear the Mullet!
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
Fear the Mullet!
Closed topic.