Good luck to those interviewing today

Good luck to all who are interviewing today. My daughter is going to be among the new recruits this season. This fits perfectly with her college schedule. Its a great excuse to come to the park more often this summer!

Skyhawk06's avatar

I'm in the process of talking to the manager of when to schedule onboarding appointments. Currently I'm heading for work in the Marina.

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024


I also have a interview today and I have a question that should I look casual and wearing the xxxtentation merch clothes or not.

I'm not a Cedar Point employee, but I would recommend that for interviews, you always look as professional as you're comfortable appearing.

"You can't put a dollar value on a good first impression." - My Mom

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

Lash's avatar

Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have!

Cargo Shorts's avatar

“Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants” - Geraldo Rivera

JohnMosesBrowning's avatar

Cargo Shorts said:

“Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants” - Geraldo Rivera

And he moves to Shaker Heights…

1974: Catering Slave for Interstate United
1975-77: Catering Manager for Cedar Point

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